North American P-51 Mustang is one of best fighter aeroplanes of the Second World War. Used by USAAF, RAF and other Allies services it contributed important role to final victory over Germany and Japan.
Arma Hobby kits are produced under license from Boeing. Boeing, P-51 Mustang and the distinctive Boeing logos, product markings and trade dress are trademarks of The Boeing Company.
Learn more about the models and history of P-51 Mustang from articles on the armahobbynews.pl blog.
YMA7337 P-51 B/C Mustang – instrument panel 1/72
Photoetched colour printed instrument panel for Mustangs in the U.S. version
YMA7333 Mustang III (P-51 B/C) – instrument panel 1/72
Photo etched and printed instrument panel for Mustangs in the British version
American aircraft markings used until 1943, 1/72 decals
US military aviation insignia used in1943, decals 1/72
US military aviation insignia used in1943, decals 1/72
US military aviation insignia used since 1943, used to mid 1950s, decals 1/72
US military aviation insignia used since 1943, decals 1/72
TCH72046 Clear Decal small sheets
Transparent decal for laser printing.
TCH72028 North American P-51 Mustang III decals
Decals for Mustang Mk III kit 1/72 scale, six Polish Air Force colour variants
TCH72021 North American P-51 Mustang III decals
Decals for Mustang Mk III kit 1/72 scale, four Polish Air Force 315 Squadron colour variants
TCH72009 North American P-51 Mustang III decals
Decals for Mustang Mk III kit 1/72 scale, four Polish Air Force colour variants
TCH48033 North American P-51 Mustang III decals
Allied (RAF) aircraft markings used on planes in which Polish pilots fought, 1/48 decals.
TCH48028 North American P-51 Mustang III decals
Allied (RAF) aircraft markings used on planes in which Polish pilots fought, 1/48 decals.
TCH48002 North American P-51 Mustang III decals
Allied (RAF) aircraft markings used on planes in which Polish pilots fought, 1/48 decals.
Polish Wings No. 23 303 Squadron North American Mustang
A book in English about Mustang fighters in polish Squadron 303.
MMP 9153 Polish Fighter Colours 1939-1947 volume 2
Airplanes of the Polish Airforces 1939-47. Volume 2.
MMP 6146 North American Aviation P-51D/K Mustang Rediscovered.
Complete reference of production variants of the P-51D/K Mustang aeroplanes.
MMP 6143 North American Aviation P-51B/C & F-6C Mustang !
Complete reference of production variants of the P-51B/C and F-6C Mustang aeroplanes.
HTK-CS07 Royal Air Force paint set ORANGE LINE 6 x 17ml
HTK-CS07 lacquer based model paint. Set includes standard camouflage colours of RAF planes during WW2.
HTK-CS04.2 US Army Air Force paint set!
Celulozowe lakiery modelarskie do malowania aerografem. Zestaw sześciu kolorów USAAF z Drugiej Wojny Światowej
HTK-BS07 Royal Air Force paint set of 6 x 17ml - BLUE LINE
HTK-BS07 includes model paint optimised for brush painting - standard camouflage colours of RAF planes during WW2.
HTK-AS07 Royal Air Force paint set of 6
Hatake paint - painting model airplanes has never been so easy. Hatake acrylics kits tailored to your needs.
HTK-AS04 US Army Air Force paint set of 6
Acrylic colour set for airbrushing, includes standard camouflage colours of USAAF planes from 1941 till 1945.
H2K72024 P-51B Mustang US Aces over Europe ex-Hasegawa!
P-51 B/C Mustang in USAAF colors, model from Hasegawa w/Cartograf decals and pMask masks
H2K72023 Mustang III RAF Aces over Europe ex Hasegawa!
Mustang from Hasegawa 1/72 with masks and Cartograf decals
EDUSS586 Seatbelts USAAF WWII Steel 4 pcs. 1/72!
Printed steel USAAF seatbelts 1:72 scale
Painting masks for P-51 B/C Mustang 1/72 scale (Arma Hobby)
Photo etched part set for F-6C Mustang kit from Arma Hobby 1/72 scale
Blaszki z nadrukiem do modelu P-51 B/C Mustang z Arma Hobby
EDU73035 Seatbelts USAAF WWII Steel 10 pcs. 1/72
Steel printed seatbelts for USAAF aeroplanes 2WW 1/72
EDU672282 P-51B/C wheels diamond tread 1/72!
Resin wheels for P-51 B/C Mustang from Arma Hobby
EDU672281 P-51B/C bazooka rocket launcher 1/72!
Rocket launcher type "Bazooka" for P-51 B/C Mustang kit 1/72
EDU672280 P-51B/C exhausts stacks w/fairing PRINT 1/72!
Exhausts with fairing for P-51 B/C Mustang from Arma Hobby
EDU672279 P-51B/C exhausts stacks PRINT 1/72!
Uncovered exhausts for P-51 B/C Mustang from Arma Hobby
EDU672244 US 1000lb Bombs 1/72 !
Two 1000lb resin bombs for WW2 model aircraft in 1/72 scale.
EDU672039 US 500lb Bombs 1/72 !
Six 500lb resin bombs for WW2 US model aircraft, scale 1/72.
EDU672033 British WWII bombs 1/72 !
British bombs 1000 lb and 500 lb 1/72 scale.
3D printed decal and PE parts for Arma Hobby P-51C Mustang
Accessories for P-51B Mustang kit from Arma Hobby
72016-3D P-51B/C Mustang Detail Set - Late Seat 1/72 3D file
3D file for self-printing accessories, consumer license.
72015-3D P-51B/C Mustang Detail Set - Early Seat 1/72 Plik 3D
3D file for self-printing accessories, consumer license.
72002-3D P-51 B/C/D Mustang Wheels - two thread types - 3D File
Plik 3D do samodzielnego druku akcesoriów, licencja dla konsumenta.
Model of the iconic WWII fighter. 1/72 scale, new Arma Hobby 2024 molds.
1/72 scale plastic model kit of the F-6C Mustang photo-reconnaissance aeroplane.
New edition of the P-51 B/C kit 1/72 scale.
Diorama base for model aeroplane 1/72.
70039 P-51C Mustang™ Mk III Model Kit!
P-51 B/C Mustang plastic kit 1/72 scale. New moulds, Boeing licence.