HTK-A067 US Army Helicopter Drab 17ml
US Army Helicopter Drab - FS34031, standard colour of US Army helicopters from early 1980s to present (including AH-64s, UH-60s, CH-47s and UH-72s)...
HTK-A066 Insignia (Orange) Yellow 17ml
Insignia (Orange) Yellow - FS13538, used in various applications on US Army helicopters in Olive Drab (including bands around tailbooms and rotor-blades)...
HTK-A065 US Army Olive Drab 17ml
US Army Olive Drab - Standard colour of US Army helicopters from 1950s till late-1970s (including UH-1s and AH-1s in Vietnam conflict)...
HTK-A064 Khaki Green No. 3 (G3) 17ml
HTK-A064 - Khaki Green No. 3 (G3) - No. 3 B.S.381-1939. Also known as "Service Colour". Base colour of British AFV between 1939-41. Also overall colour of some vehicles...
HTK-A063 - Vert Foncé - One of "shadow" shades of French tanks as stipulated by March 1937 instruction. Earlier used on Renault FT, B1 bis, D1 and AMR 33 tanks...
HTK-A062 International Orange (ANA 508) 17ml
HTK-A062 - International Orange (ANA 508) - Overall colour of early jet trainers. Used in “high-viz” schemes of naval aircraft in late 1950s, later on training and SAR planes...
HTK-A061 Seaplane Grey (ANA 625) 17ml
HTK-A061 - Seaplane Grey (ANA 625) - Standard colour of Navy helicopters from 1955 till late 1970s (except for SH-3s). Also on sea-planes and naval land-based aircraft...
HTK-A060 - USMC Sand - Used during Desert Storm campaign on USMC AH-1s, UH-1s, CH-46s and CH-53s as field application over permanent colours...
HTK-A059 USMC Field Green (ANA 627) 17ml
HTK-A059 - USMC Field Green (ANA 627) - Standard colour of USMC helis (incl. AH-1, UH-1, CH-46, CH-53) from 1956 till mid-1980s. Later in green-grey-black scheme...
HTK-A058 Have Glass Grey (FS36170) 17ml
Acrylic model paint for airbrush. Modern US anti-radilocation color used on stealth and other combat aircraft.
Beige - One of "ground" shades of French tanks as stipulated by March 1937 instruction. Earlier used on Renault FT, B1 and FCM 2C tanks...
HTK-A056 European I Green 17ml
European I Green - FS34092, used on TAC aircraft (A-10s, OV-10s, F-16s), MAC aircraft (C-130s, C-141s and C-5s) and USAF helicopters...
Royal Blue - Overall colour of P.R. aircraft in North Africa and Far East incl. Spitfire PR Mk IV, but also Hurricane PR Mk II...
Grey - FS36270, used for upper surfaces in camouflage schemes of Polish Mig-29s and F-16C/Ds (semi-gloss version also used for radome of F-16s)...
HTK-A053 Olive-Green (RLM80) 17ml
Olive-Green (RLM80) – Used for blotches in Luftwaffe Mediterranean scheme
Green Drab - FS34086, used in "European" camouflage scheme of SAC aircraft (B-1Bs and FB-111As) or RLM74
HTK-A051 - Camotint Green - Overall colour of early Photo Reconnaissance Spitfires (converted from Mk I models)
HTK-A050 Light Grey (FS36495) 17ml
Acrylic model paint for airbrush
HTK-A049 Insignia White (ANA 511) 17ml
Used on lower surfaces of carrier-based attack planes from 1955 till late 1970s (incl. F-4, A-6, A-7, F-14, RA-5, S-3A, A-4 and F-8)
HTK-A048 Light Gull Grey (ANA 620) 17ml
Light Gull Grey (ANA 620)- Used for camouflage USN/USMC aircraft 1940-42, and for uupper surfaces of carrier-based attack planes from 1955 till late 1970s...
HTK-A047 Soviet Cockpit Blue-Green 17ml
Soviet Cockpit Blue-Green - cockpit color of soviet origin aircraft
Medium Grey - FS35237, used in green-grey-black scheme USMC. Also in modern Tactical Paint Scheme (AH-1Z, UH-1N, CH-46E, CH-53E, MV-22B)...
HTK-A045 Air Defence Gray 17ml
Air Defence Grey — Standard overall colour of USAF and US ANG air defence aircraft (including F-101s, F-106s and F-4s)...
Kolor US Navy do malowania bocznych części kadłuba samolotów walczących przeciw łodziom podwodnym na Atlantyku w II WŚ
ANA 511 Insignia White, underside color of airplanes US Navy 1943-45 and 1955 to late 1970
Overall colour of RAF P.R. high-flying aircraft (widely used from 1941). Also on undersides of high-flying day fighters.
Night Black camouflage color of British tanks 1943-45 and US Marines and US Army Helicopters
Black-Grey (RLM66) — Standard colour of cockpit interiors from mid-war onwards
Camouflage Grey — Used for lower surfaces in USAF SEA camouflage scheme of TAC aircraft
Light Blue (RLM76) — Used for lower surfaces in late-war camouflage schemes
Light Ghost Grey - FS36375, Tactical Paint Scheme dla śmigłowców USMC (AH-1Z, UH-1N, CH-46E, CH-53E) i zmiennopłatów (MV-22B)
Light Blue-Grey — Standard colour of lower surfaces of fighter and bomber aircraft of Polish Air Force
Dark Ghost Grey - FS36320, Tactical Paint Scheme on USMC MV-22B
Medium Sea Grey — Used for lower surfaces of RAF aircraft from 1941
Neutral Gray — Standard colour of lower surfaces in all Olive Drab schemes
Ocean Grey — Used for upper surfaces in RAF camouflage schemes from 1941
Gunship Grey - FS36118, used on MAC and SAC aircraft, also on USAF helicopters. Used in early "Euro" schemes of A-10s and F-4s...
European I Grey - FS36081, used on aircraft of TAC (incl. A-10s, OV-10s, F-4s, F-16s), SAC (B-1Bs and FB-111As) and US ANG A-7Ds...
HTK-A029 – Light Blue – (RLM65/78)
Light Blue (RLM65/78) — Standard colour of lower surfaces in early wartime period — Used for upper surfaces of fighters during Battle of Britain, also for cockpit interiors of all aircraft...
Azure Blue — Used for lower surfaces in RAF Mediterranean camouflage schemes
HTK-A027 Intermediate Blue 17ml
Intermediate Blue — Used for fuselage sides and vertical stabilizer of US Navy carrier-based aircraft from January 1943 till June 1944...
Sky „Type S” — Used for lower surfaces of RAF aircraft until 1941
HTK-A025 Interior Grey-Green 17ml
Interior Grey-Green — Standard colour of cockpit interiors of RAF aircraft
P.R. Pink - Overall colour of RAF P.R.U. aircraft operating at low altitudes from 1940 (incl. Spitfire PR I) to 1944 (incl. Spitfire FR IX)
Grey (RLM02) — Used for upper surfaces of fighters during Battle of Britain, also for cockpit interiors of all aircraft
Dark Green (RLM83) — Used for upper surfaces in late-war camouflage schemes
Medium Green — Used for upper surfaces in USAF SEA camouflage scheme of TAC aircraft
HTK-A020 - Light Green (RLM82)
Light Green (RLM82) — Used for upper surfaces in late-war camouflage schemes...
Medium Green — color used for blotches on Olive Drab background until 1942
HTK-A018 US Olive Drab (late) 17ml
US Olive Drab (late) — Used for upper surfaces of USAAF aircraft after 1943
Dark Green (RLM71) — Used for upper surfaces in two-green splinter scheme
Dark Green – Used for upper surfaces in RAF camouflage schemes throughout the war...
HTK-A015 – Black-Green (RLM70)
Black-Green (RLM70) — Used for upper surfaces in two-green splinter scheme and on fighters during Battle of Britain
HTK-A014 Sand-Yellow (RLM79) 17ml
Sand-Yellow (RLM79) – Used as a base colour for upper surfaces in Luftwaffe Mediterranean scheme
Mid Stone – Used for upper surfaces in RAF Mediterranean camouflage schemes...
Dark Tan – Used for upper surfaces in USAF SEA camouflage scheme of TAC aircraft
„Polish Khaki” in light variant used for upper surfaces of fighter and reconnaissance aircraft
„Polish Khaki” in dark variant used for upper surfaces of bomber aircraft (including PZL-37 Łoś)
RAF Dark Earth — Used for upper surfaces in RAF camouflage schemes until 1941
HTK-A008 — Brown-Violet (RLM81)
Brown-Violet (RLM81) — Used for upper surfaces in late-war camouflage schemes