Color sets for railway models. Realistic shades for engines and carst. Sets of 17ml bottles of acrylic model paints.
HTK-AS40 Polish Railways locomotives paint set of 6 vol. 1
Zestaw akrylowych farb modelarskich Hataka zawiera kolory, stosowane do malowania polskich lokomotyw do roku 2009
HTK-AS45 Brick buildings & ruins diorama paint set
Selection of paints in this advanced diorama set allows modeler to achieve the realistic effect of brick walls, buildings and ruins....
HTK-AS42 Polish Railways locomotives paint set vol. 2, set of 6
Zestaw 6 farb 17ml zawiera kolory, które były stosowane do malowania polskich lokomotyw od początku lat 60 do końca XX wieku...
HTK-AS57 Polish Railways locomotives paint set vol. 3, 6 x 17ml
HTK-AS57 includes standard colours of Polish Freight Railways since 2008.