HTK-CS44 USAF, USN & USMC paint set (modern greys) 8 x 17ml --> ORANGE...
Paint set includes standard camouflage colours of US aircraft since late 1970s. Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush...
HTK-CS62 Israeli Air Force paint set (modern jets) 8 x 17ml --> ORANGE...
HTK-CS62 includes standard colours of Israeli planes since late 1970s. Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush....
HTK-CS77 Modern British Army & RAF AFV paint set 8 x 17ml --> ORANGE L...
HTK-CS77 includes standard Modern British Army & RAF AFV paint set. Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:
HTK-CS75 Modern Hellenic AF paint vol. 2 set of 8 x 17ml
HTK-CS75 includes standard colours of Greek aircraft since 1980s.
HTK-CS52 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 1, 8 x 17ml ORANGE LIN...
HTK-CS52 includes standard colours of RAF aircraft from 1990s till present. Lacquer model paint 8 x 17ml.
HTK-CS48 Modern Luftwaffe paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 1 --> ORANGE LIN...
HTK-CS48 includes colours of German aircraft from 1960s till early 1980s. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS55 Modern Luftwaffe paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 2 --> ORANGE LINE
8 scale model lacquer paints for airbrush use. Set includes standard colours of German aircraft from the 1980s to 1990s
HTK-CS73 Modern Royal Air Force paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 2 --> ORANG...
Set of eight shades of scale model lacquer paints for airbrush use. Set includes standard colours of RAF aircraft from the 1950s till 1990s...
HTK-CS81 Modern German Army AFV paint set of 8 x 17ml --> ORANGE LINE
The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush, includes standard colours of German AFVs since 1955. ...
HTK-CS86 Russian AF Helicopters paint set of 8 x 17ml, vol. 1 --> ORAN...
The set includes standard colours of Russian AF helicopters since 2010, lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush....
HTK-CS33 Early WW2 Soviet Air Force paint set 8 x 17ml--> ORANGE LINE
HTK-CS33 includes lacquer model paint, selection of 8 colours required for modeling of Soviet planes used from 1937 till 1943...
HTK-CS88 Early WW2 German AFV paint set 8 x 17ml--> ORANGE LINE
Set of 8 lacquer model paints colours of German military vehicles from 1923 till 1943
HTK-CS68 Modern Hellenic AF paint set vol. 1 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
The set contains the lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush. Set includes standard colours of Greek aircraft since 1970s...
HTK-CS70 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 3 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17...
Set includes standard colours of RAF training aircraft since 1950s; lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:
HTK-CS76 Air Ambulance (HEMS) paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE L...
HTK-AS76 includes standard colours of modern European air ambulance helicopters. The set contains 8 lacquer paint 17ml.
HTK-CS80 Royal Netherlands AF paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE L...
HTK-CS80 includes standard colours of Dutch helicopters since 1970s. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS14 US Marine Corps Helicopters Paint Set -- ORANGE LINE
Set of model lacquer paints recommended for airbrush painting. Box includes Standard colours of USMC helicopters since 1950s....
HTK-CS69 WW2 Imperial Japanese Army AFV paint set 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE L...
Set of lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush. Box includes standard colours of Japanese Army vehicles from 1937 till 1945. ...
HTK-CS12 Israeli AF paint set (1970's desert colours) 8 x 17ml -- ORAN...
Set includes standard colours of Israeli aircraft in 1970s. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS28 Falklands Conflict paint set vol. 2; 8 x 17ml-- ORANGE LINE
Set includes standard colours of British planes during the Falklands (Malvinas) conflict. Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS29 USAF Aggressor Squadron paint set vol. 1; 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE ...
Set includes standard colours of USAF aggressor F-15 and F-16 fleet. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS92 South African Army paint set 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE LINE
Model paintset - lacquers for airbrushing. Contains colours of South African Army after WW2.
HTK-CS94 Late WW2 German AFV paint set -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Set of model colours 8 x 17ml. Contains cellulose lacquer paints for German tank models from 1943-45.
HTK-CS64 Modern Belgian AF paint set vol. 2 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Model paint - cellulose lacquer for airbrush use, color set includes standard colours of Belgian aircraft since 1990s
HTK-CS66 Modern Luftwaffe paint set vol. 4 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Set of lacquer model paints for airbrush use. Contains Luftwaffe colours from 1980s and 1990s.
HTK-CS96 Ukrainian AF paint set vol. 1 (Blue Pixel) -- ORANGE LINE 8 x...
Model paint lacquer set recommended for airbrush use. Ukrainian Air force Su-27 fighters colours.
HTK-CS82 Royal Netherlands AF paint set vol. 2 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Model paint set - cellulose lacquer colours. Royal Dutch Air Force jet fighters shades
HTK-CS100 Scale Modelling Basic Colours set – ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Set of model paint - cellulose lacquers for airbrush.
HTK-CS56 Modern Portuguese AF paint set of 8x 17ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE LI...
Model paint cellulose lacquers. Eight colours of Portuguease Air Forces 1950s-1970s.
HTK-CS71 Israeli Air Force paint set of 8 x 17ml (modern rotors) -- OR...
Set of 8 model colour lacquers. Contains camouflage shades of the IAF
HTK-CS99 US Army paint set (MASSTER & DUALTEX) 8 x 17ml
Model paint - lacquer set for airbrushing. Eight colours of US ARMY combat vehicles in Europe in 1980s.
HTK-CS101 Modern Swedish AF paint set vol. 1 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Lakiery modelarskie do malowania aerografem. Kolory szwedzkich odrzutowców 1950-1990.
HTK-CS27 Falklands Conflict paint set 8 x 17ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE LINE
Osiem kolorów lakierów modelarskich do malowania aerografem - lotnictwo Argentyny 1982
HTK-CS63 USMC AV-8 paint set (early schemes) 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE LINE
Eight lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush: includes standard colours of Harrier fleet in USMC service from 1970s till 1990s. ...
HTK-CS98 British SAR Service paint set of 8 x 17 ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE L...
Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush, includes 8 standard colours of RAF/RN search and rescue helicopters....
HTK-CS97 Modern Royal Air Force paint set 8 x 17 ml vol. 5 -- ORANGE ...
Set of eight lacquer model paints 17 ml recommended for airbrush use. RAF Strategic Bombers colours from Cold War
HTK-CS102 RAF Bomber Command paint set 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE LINE
Set of model paint lacquer colours, includes standard colours of RAF bomber force during WW2.
HTK-CS108 Modern Australian Army AFV paint set of 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE L...
Eight lacquer model paint for airbrush 17 ml, standard colours of Australian AFVs since 1950s
HTK-CS110 Mid-War Luftwaffe paint set of 8 x 17 ml -- ORANGE LINE
Set of eight colours, cellulose lacquer model paint ORANGE LINE for airbrushing. Luftwaffe camouflage 1941-44.
HTK-CS87 British AAC Helicopters paint set 8 x 17ml--> ORANGE LINE
Set of lacquer model paints for airbrushing, includes standard colours of Army Air Corps aircraft since 1970s
HTK-CS60 Modern Portuguese AF paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 2 -- ORANGE ...
HTK-CS60 includes standard colours of Portuguese aircraft since 1980s. Set of 8 lacquer paints 17ml.
HTK-CS59 Modern Belgian AF paint set vol. 1 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Set of model paint - lacqer colors for airbrush. Contains eight colors of Belgian Air Force aircraft 1950s-1980s.