HTK-AS73 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 2 - 8 x 17ml
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- HTK-AS73
- Manufacturer: Hataka Hobby
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- Type: Model paint
- Medium: acrylic
- Size/volume: 8 x 17ml
HTK-AS73 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 2
Already by 1945 the British Air Ministry had started analysis of the effectiveness of RAF war-time camouflage, with the conclusion that use of all schemes (except for the night fighter one) should be dropped after the war. In 1947 a change to a Silver overall finish was ordered. The UK-based Day Fighter Scheme of Dark Green and Dark Sea Grey over Silver was re-introduced in mid-1950s (in continental Europe PRU Blue was used on undersides). Light Aircraft Grey replaced Silver from 1966, phased out in 1970s with switch to wraparound scheme. It remained in use until the late-1970s (effectively 1980s) when the grey schemes were introduced.
HTK-AS73 includes standard colours of RAF aircraft from 1950s till 1990s.
The set contains:
- HTK-A003 – Silver – Also known as "High Speed Silver", overall colour of early-postwar RAF jets (till mid-1950s). Later (till 1966) used on lower surfaces
- HTK-A207 – BS PRU Blue – BS381C:636, colour of lower surfaces of RAF fighters stationed in continental Europe in 1950s (with DG+DSG on upper surfaces)
- HTK-A143 – BS Dark Green – BS381C:641, standard colour (first on upper surfaces, after 1970s in wraparound scheme) of RAF aircraft from mid-1950s till 1980s
- HTK-A144 – BS Dark Sea Grey – BS381C:638, standard colour (first on upper surfaces, after 1970s in wraparound scheme) of RAF aircraft from mid-1950s till 1980s
- HTK-A141 – BS Medium Sea Grey – BS381C:637, used on RAF bombers (MSG+DG/White or HSS or LAG). Also on Meteor NFs (DG+DSG/MSG or DG+MSG/MSG)
- HTK-A217 – BS Light Aircraft Grey – BS381C:627, used on lower surfaces of RAF aircraft (DG+DSG/LAG) from 1966 till late 1970s (switch to wraparound)
- HTK-A068 – US Army Desert Sand – FS30279, used for improvised desert camouflage of RAF Tornado GR1/1A, Jaguar GR1A and Buccaneer during Op Granby
- HTK-A262 – BS Camouflage Beige – BS381C:389, also known as "Hemp", used in 1980s/90s on upper surfaces of Canberras, Victors, VC10s and Nimrods (over LAG)