HTK-AS86 Russian AF Helicopters paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 1
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- HTK-AS86
- Manufacturer: Hataka Hobby
In Stock
- Type: Model paint
- Medium: acrylic
- Size/volume: 8 x 17ml
- Remarks: for airbrush use
HTK-AS86 “Russian AF Helicopters paint set vol. 1”
Although part of post-soviet helicopters operated by the Russian AF still wears a mix of various colour schemes gained during gradual overhauls in many workshops, in early 2010s a new standard scheme of overall dark grey was successfully introduced on most types including Mi-8/17 family, Mi-26 heavy transports and Mi-24/35, Mi-28 and Ka-52 attack helicopters. Only after less than 5 years a decision was made to revert to more standard 3-colour camouflage of green (contrary to more olive colour used in the soviet times) and light tan on upper surfaces, with rather bright blue lower surfaces. Up to date representatives of all above mentioned types have already been observed in this new scheme.
HTK-AS86 includes standard colours of Russian AF helicopters since 2010. The set contains:
- HTK-A230 – Dark Grey - Overall colour (2010-14) of freshly painted modern Russian AF helicopters, including Ka-52, Mi-28, Mi-24/35, Mi-8/17, Mi-26
- HTK-A296 – Faded Eggplant Grey – Used to achieve faded colour of weathered modern Russian AF helicopters, including Ka-52, Mi-28, Mi-24/35, Mi-8/17, Mi-26
- HTK-A150 - Blue-Green – The best match for colour of nose-cone of Russian AF Ka-52s in both 2-colour camouflage and dark grey overall livery
- HTK-A293 – Extra Light Blue – Colour of optoelectronic targeting pods of Russian AF attack helicopters (Ka-52, Mi-35M). Also used on gunpad of Mi-28N
- HTK-A294 – Mustard - Colour of optoelectronic targeting pod of Russian AF Mi-28s. Also standard colour of armament of all attack helicopters
- HTK-A155 – Air Superiority Blue - Since 2014 used for lower surfaces of various Russian AF helicopters, including Ka-52, Mi-28, Mi-8/17, Mi-24/35 and Mi-26
- HTK-A085 – Khaki Green - Since 2014 used for upper surfaces of various Russian AF helicopters, including Ka-52, Mi-28, Mi-8/17, Mi-24/35 and Mi-26
- HTK-A295 – Medium Tan - Since 2014 used for upper surfaces of various Russian AF helicopters, including Ka-52, Mi-28, Mi-8/17, Mi-24/35 and Mi-26