HTK-CS25 Modern French Army paint set of 6 x 17ml --> ORANGE LINE

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  • HTK-CS25
  • Manufacturer: Hataka Hobby
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Type: Model paint
  • Medium: lacquer
  • Size/volume: 6 x 17ml
  • Remarks: for airbrush use
  • szt.
  • Net Price: €13.89 €17.09 *
HTK-CS25 includes standard colours of French Army vehicles since 1950s. The set contains the following lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush

HTK-CS25 Modern French Army paint set --> ORANGE LINE

HTK-CS25 includes standard colours of French Army vehicles since 1950s. The set contains the following lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:

  • HTK-C121 - Jaune Sahara - Standard overall colour of French Army vehicles stationed in desert regions in 1950s-60s, also during Suez Canal Crisis in 1956
  • HTK-C122 - Vert IR OTAN - Earlier "army green" and "army green IR". Standard overall colour of French Army vehicles from the beginning of 1950s till late 1980s
  • HTK-C123 - Brun Terre IR - Standard camouflage colour of French Army vehicles from early 1990s (incl. on AMX Leclerc, AMX 30, VBCI, VAB and AMX 30 Au F1)
  • HTK-C124 – Vert Foncé IR - Standard camouflage colour of French Army vehicles from early 1990s (incl. on AMX Leclerc, AMX 30, VBCI, VAB and AMX 30 Au F1)
  • HTK-C125 - NATO Black - Standard camouflage colour of French Army vehicles from early 1990s (incl. on AMX Leclerc, AMX 30, VBCI, VAB and AMX 30 Au F1)
  • HTK-C126 - Sable Desért IR - Used with Brun Terre IR in desert camouflage of modern French Army vehicles (including during Operation "Desert Storm")

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