Aviation color sets acrylic paints. Carefully selected aircraft model colors from different avation and history time. Colors 17ml in sets of 4, 6 or 8 bottles.
HTK-AS01 Polish Air Force paint set of 4
Hatake paint - painting model airplanes has never been so easy. Hatake acrylics kits tailored to your needs.
HTK-BS01 Polish Air Force paint set 4 x 17ml - BLUE LINE
HTK-BS01 includes model paint standard camouflage colours of Polish planes from 1919 till 1939.
HTK-AS02 Early Luftwaffe paint set of 4
Hatake paint - painting model airplanes has never been so easy. Hatake acrylics kits tailored to your needs.
HTK-AS08 “RAF in Africa paint set” of 4
Hatake paint - painting model airplanes has never been so easy. Hatake acrylics kits tailored to your needs....
HTK-AS79 Air Ambulance (HEMS) paint vol. 2 set 4 x 17ml
HTK-AS79 set of model paints - includes standard colours of Polish LPR air ambulance helicopters.
HTK-AS58 Ultimate Su-34 Fullback paint set 6x17ml
HTK-AS58 includes standard colours of Su-34 fleet in Russian AF service.
HTK-AS03 Late Luftwaffe paint set of 6
Hatake paint - painting model airplanes has never been so easy. Hatake acrylics kits tailored to your needs.
HTK-AS04 US Army Air Force paint set of 6
Acrylic colour set for airbrushing, includes standard camouflage colours of USAAF planes from 1941 till 1945.
HTK-AS05 Late US Navy paint set of 4
Hatake paint - painting model airplanes has never been so easy. Hatake acrylics kits tailored to your needs.
HTK-AS06.2 Luftwaffe in Africa paint set 6x17ml
Hataka acrylic model paint - Luftwaffe Mediterraean Colours 1941-43 - Airbrush optimised paint
HTK-AS07 Royal Air Force paint set of 6
Hatake paint - painting model airplanes has never been so easy. Hatake acrylics kits tailored to your needs.
HTK-AS09 USAF Paint Set (Vietnam war-era) set of 6
Hatake paint - painting model airplanes has never been so easy. Hatake acrylics kits tailored to your needs.
HTK-AS10, USAF Paint Set (European Camouflage) set of 6
Acrylic model paints for an airbrush, Cold War USAF European Colours.
HTK-AS12 Israeli AF paint set (1970's desert colours) set of 6
Excellent color set for Yom Kippur war Israeli aircraft models
HTK-AS16 Early WW2 French Air Force paint set of 6
Set of 6 x17ml colors for 1940 French Campaign model kits
HTK-AS17 Modern Polish Air Force paint set vol. 1 (set of 6)
Set of authentic camouflage colors of Polish F-16, MiG-29 fighters as well as Aviation and Army helicopters.
HTK-AS18 US Navy and USMC high-viz Paint Set of 6
Selection of colors for painting models of US Navy and USMC aircraft. Excellent for Korea and Vietnam scale model kits!
HTK-AS20 Late WW2 Soviet Air Force paint set of 6 x 17ml
Colour paint set for VVS planes - Soviet Air Force used in the late WW2 period (from July 1943 onwards) on both fighter and attack aircraft....
HTK-AS23 RAF Photo - Reconnaissance Units paint set of 6
Set of authentic colors for PRU Spitfire and Mosquito model kits. See exact shades to paint your photo reconnaissance replica now!
HTK-AS19 US Army Helicopters Paint Set of 6
Colours for modeling of US Army helicopters from Vietnam war era to the recent machines used in operations over Iraq and Afghanistan.
HTK-AS34 Israeli Air Force paint set (early period) set of 6
Set contains a careful selection of colours required for modeling of Israeli planes used from 1948 till 1967.
HTK-AS32 Luftwaffe Legion Condor paint set of 6
HTK-AS32 contains a careful selection of colours required for modeling of Luftwaffe planes used from 1936 till 1939.
HTK-AS30 USAF Aggressor Squadron paint set of 6 vol. 2
Zestaw pozwala pomalować samoloty na takie schematy malowania eskadr agresorów USAF, jak Blue Flanker, Blizzard i Digital Splinter.
HTK-AS43 Ultimate USAF F15 paint set (all variants) set of 6
Zestaw wszystkich farb potrzebnych do malowania kamuflazu modeli samolotów F-15 w barwach USAF
HTK-AS46 Polish Navy/Air Force TS-11 Color Set of 6
Set of authentic camoflage shades for painting models of TS-11 Iskra bis DF and R Novax since 1997
HTK-AS47 Polish Air Force Su-22M4 paint set of 6 x 17ml
Set if six 17ml model colors for painting "NATO" camouflage on models of SU-22M4 in Polish Air Force 1997-2015
HTK-AS49 RAF Coastal Command & RN FAA paint set of 6 x 17ml
Six high quality model colors for painting models of Royal avy/Coastal Guard aircradt World War Two period
HTK-AS50 South African Air Force paint set vol. 1, set of 6
Zestaw farb do malowania modeli samolotów Południowo-Afrykańskich od połowy lat 1970: Sabre, Mirage F.1, Mirage III, Canberra, Buccaneer, Impala....
HTK-AS53 Early US Navy paint set of 6
US-Navy i US Marines airplane colors 1919 - 1942. Set of 6 acrylic model paint 17ml.
HTK-AS54 Early US Navy Section Colours paint set of 6
Kolory oznaczeń sekcji i lotniskowca dla samolotów US-Navy i US Marines 1931-1941
HTK-AS61 Modern Luftwaffe model paint set vol. 3
HTK-AS61 includes standard model colours of German Luftwaffe aircraft since 1990s.
HTK-AS74 Modern Brazilian AF paint set vol. 1 - 6 x 17ml
HTK-AS74 includes model paint - standard colours of Brazilian aircraft since 1990s.
HTK-BS07 Royal Air Force paint set of 6 x 17ml - BLUE LINE
HTK-BS07 includes model paint optimised for brush painting - standard camouflage colours of RAF planes during WW2.
HTK-AS78 Modern Brazilian AF paint vol. 2 set 6 x 17ml
HTK-AS78 includes model paint standard colours of Brazilian Mirage fleet from 1972 till 2013.
HTK-BS09 USAF Paint Set Vietnam war-era BLUE LINE set of 6 x 17ml
HTK-BS09 model paint set for brush application, includes standard camouflage colours of USAF planes in 1960s-70s.
HTK-AS83 Ultimate Su-33 Flanker-D paint set of 6 x 17ml
HTK-AS83 includes standard colours of Su-33 fleet in Russian Naval Aviation service. The set contains 6 x 17ml acrylic paints....
HTK-AS85 Modern Royal Air Force paint set of 6 x 17ml vol. 4
HTK-AS85 includes acrylic model paint, standard colours of RAF aerobatic and test aircraft since 1950s. Recommended for airbrush use....
HTK-AS89 Modern Czech AF paint set vol.1 - 6 x 17ml
Acrylic model paint for aibrush. Set includes 6 standard colours of Czech aircraft since 1990s.
HTK-AS91 Modern Romanian AF paint set of 6 x 17ml vol. 1
HTK-AS91 includes standard colours of Romanian fighter-interceptors since mid-1990s. The set contains 6 x 17ml paints....
HTK-AS93 Modern North Korean AF paint set of 6 x 17ml
Acrylic model paint set for airbrush. Set includes standard colours of North Korean aircraft during "Wonsan 2016" air show...
HTK-AS103 WW2 Italian Air Force Paint set of 6 x 17ml vol. 1
Set of six acrylic model paints for airbrush, includes standard colours of ANR aircraft from 1943 till 1945
HTK-AS104 Early Su-27S/P/UB Flanker-B/C paint set of 6 x 17ml
Acrylic model paint for airbrush, set contains 6 x 17ml colours of the early Su-27 fighters.
HTK-AS105 MiG-29A/UB 4-colour scheme paint set of 6 x 17ml
Set of six acrylic 17ml model paint for airbrush, includes standard colours of MiG-29A/UB in Warsaw Pact service.
HTK-AS107 WW2 Dutch AF paint set of 6 x 17ml vol. 1
Set of six model paint 17ml, acrylic for aibrush use. Dutch aviation colours 1919-1940.
HTK-AS109 Ukrainian AF paint set vol. 2 (Grey Pixel) 6 x 17ml
Six acrylic model paint bottles 17ml. Recommended for airbrush colour of Ucrainian Aviation pixel camouflage
HTK-AS111 Yak-38/38M FORGER paint set 6 x 17ml – RED LINE
Set of 6 x17ml acrylic colour shades of soviet Yak-38 naval V/STOL fighters
HTK-AS113 Modern RN Fleet Air Arm paint set of 6 x 17 ml vol.1
HTK-AS113 includes standard colours of RN FAA fixed wing aircraft since 1945.
HTK-AS115 RAF South-East Asia zestaw 6x17 ml
Standard colours of RAF aircraft in South-East Asia from 1941 till 1945
HTK-AS86 Russian AF Helicopters paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 1
HTK-AS86 includes acrylic model paints, standard colours of Russian AF helicopters since 2010.
HTK-AS93d Limited edition - Modern North Korean AF paint set 6 x 17ml...
Model paint and decals set. Box includes standard colours of North Korean aircraft during "Wonsan 2016" air show.
HTK-AS14 US Marine Corps Helicopters Paint Set of 8
“MEGA” set in Hataka Hobby line, consisting of eight colours for USMC helicopters from 1950s to present.
HTK-AS15 Swiss Air Force Paint Set WW2 period
HTK-AS15 set provides the comprehensive and reliable range of colours for modeling of Swiss Air Force aircraft from 1930s-40s.
HTK-AS27 Falklands Conflict paint set vol. 1 set of 8
HTK-AS27 contains a careful selection of colours required for modeling of Fuerza Aérea Argentina planes of 1982
HTK-AS28 Falklands Conflict paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 2
Set of authentic shades to paint models of RAF, FAA , Royal Marines and Army Air Corps in Falkland War 1982
HTK-AS33 Early WW2 Soviet Air Force paint set of 8
HTK-AS33 contains a careful selection of colours required for modeling of Soviet planes used from 1937 till 1943. ...
HTK-AS29 USAF Aggressor Squadron paint set vol. 1 (6 x 17ml)
HTK-AS29 includes colours for Arctic Flanker, Lizard Flanker/ Flogger and Desert/ Brown USAF aggressor patterns.
HTK-AS44 USAF, USN & USMC paint set (modern greys) set of 8
Modern USA jet camouflage grey colors set including Have Glass 5 camo for F-35 Lightning II
HTK-AS48 Modern Luftwaffe paint set vol. 1, set of 8
Colors of West-Germany jet fighters in 1960s-1980s, camouflage schemes: Norm 62, Norm 72 i 76
HTK-AS52 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 1
Eight top quality acrylic authentic shade model paints for Modern RAF model kits. From 1990's to present.