They contain the necessary technical information and high-quality graphics, which has already been appreciated by many enthusiasts of model kits. The modelling books presented in this category are editions without which creating replicas of iconic fighting machines would be much more difficult. They are a valuable source of inspiration, make it easier to plan all work and motivate us to faithfully reproduce the appearance of all details in our projects. This is a purchase that is a perfect addition to every modeller's basket, so it's worth taking a closer look at them!
Modelling books - a treasure trove of knowledge
It might seem that in the era of the ubiquity of the Internet, buying books is pointless, but nothing could be further from the truth. The abundance of unverified information on the Internet or incorrectly described photographs sometimes makes it very difficult to confirm some facts - especially regarding the appearance and construction of historical aircraft or vehicles. That is why it is crucial to use modelling books developed by experts and enthusiasts of the subject.
Such systematized and reliable knowledge, as well as numerous photographs showing, among others: historical fighters from World War II are very useful elements when reconstructing scale replicas of machines. Therefore, it is worth investing in monographs that focus on specific models, e.g. Airacobra (with plans in all scales from 1/144 to 1/32) or PZL P.11c (with scans of manuals) or in multi-volume, carefully prepared compendia knowledge about the markings of Polish aircraft used in the years 1939-1947.
Literature for modelling enthusiasts is available in the Arma Hobby online store
Valuable substantive and iconographic content is a definite advantage of the books for modellers offered in our online store. You can find there a lot of information and photographs from the past that are not available elsewhere. These are selected editions that will surely appeal to anyone who spends their free time creating replicas of historical combat machines. We cordially invite you to place an order!
Modelling books are an essential source of documentation and inspiration for modellers. If you are looking for sources to make Arma Hobby models even better, check out these items.
Polish Wings No.20 Yakovlev Yak-1, Yak-3, Yak-7, Yak-9!
MMP 6146 North American Aviation P-51D/K Mustang Rediscovered.
Polish Wings No. 23 303 Squadron North American Mustang