Orange Line series of lacquer model paints offers unique quality to demanding modeler. Thanks to extremely thin pigment Orange Line paints give very thin and smooth layer when airbrushed. Quality of paint is comparable to best Japanese brands.
Orange Line lacqer paints thinner is good substitute to leveling thiner, but less smelly. It may be used with other brands of similar paint.
HTK-CS07 Royal Air Force paint set ORANGE LINE 6 x 17ml
HTK-CS07 lacquer based model paint. Set includes standard camouflage colours of RAF planes during WW2.
HTK-CS72 Modern Polish Army AFV paint set ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
HTK-CS72 set contains the following lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush. Includes standard colours of Polish Army vehicles since 2000s. ...
Lacquer thinner for Orange Line Hataka paints. Good substitute for "Levelling" Thinner.
HTK-CS01 Polish Air Force paint set ORANGE LINE
HTK-CS01 includes standard camouflage colours of Polish planes from 1919 till 1939
HTK-CS17 Modern Polish Air Force paint set vol. 1 , 6 x 17ml ORANGE LI...
HTK-CS17 includes standard camouflage colours of Polish aircraft in 2000s. Celluloze lacquer model paint.
HTK-CS67 Modern US Army and USMC AFV paint set 8 x 17ml ORANGE LINE
HTK-CS67 includes standard colours of US AFVs since mid-1980s
HTK-CS09 USAF Paint Set Vietnam war-era 6 x 17ml ORANGE LINE
HTK-CS09 model lacquer paint set includes standard camouflage colours of USAF planes in 1960s-70s
HTK-CS11 Early WW2 Polish Army paint set 4 x 17ml ORANGE LINE
Set includes standard colours of Polish vehicles in 1939, lacquer based model paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS51 US Army paint set 8 x 17ml (MERDC camouflage) ORANGE LINE
Model paint lacquer set 8 x 17ml, includes standard colours of US Army vehicles from mid-1970s till mid-1980s.
HTK-CS44 USAF, USN & USMC paint set (modern greys) 8 x 17ml --> ORANGE...
Paint set includes standard camouflage colours of US aircraft since late 1970s. Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush...
HTK-CS62 Israeli Air Force paint set (modern jets) 8 x 17ml --> ORANGE...
HTK-CS62 includes standard colours of Israeli planes since late 1970s. Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush....
HTK-CS77 Modern British Army & RAF AFV paint set 8 x 17ml --> ORANGE L...
HTK-CS77 includes standard Modern British Army & RAF AFV paint set. Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:
HTK-CS47 Polish Air Force Su-22M4 paint set of 6 x 17ml
HTK-CS47 includes standard colours of Polish Su-22M4 / UM3K fleet from late 1990s to 2015.
HTK-CS58 Ultimate Su-34 Fullback paint set of 6 x 17ml
HTK-CS58 includes standard colours of Su-34 fleet in Russian AF service.
HTK-CS75 Modern Hellenic AF paint vol. 2 set of 8 x 17ml
HTK-CS75 includes standard colours of Greek aircraft since 1980s.
HTK-CS16 Early WW2 French Air Force paint set of 6 x 17ml ORANGE LINE
HTK-CS16 includes standard colours of French aircraft in 1940. Lacquer 6 x 17ml
HTK-CS46 Polish Navy / Air Force TS-11 paint set of 6 x 17ml ORANGE LI...
HTK-CS46 includes standard camouflage colours of Polish TS-11 Iskra. Lacquer model paint 6 x 17ml.
HTK-CS52 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 1, 8 x 17ml ORANGE LIN...
HTK-CS52 includes standard colours of RAF aircraft from 1990s till present. Lacquer model paint 8 x 17ml.
HTK-CS20 Late WW2 Soviet Air Force paint set of 6 x 17ml --> ORANGE LI...
HTK-CS20 includes standard colours of Soviet planes from mid-1943 till end of war. The set contains lacquer based model paints, optimised for use with airbrush....
HTK-CS25 Modern French Army paint set of 6 x 17ml --> ORANGE LINE
HTK-CS25 includes standard colours of French Army vehicles since 1950s. The set contains the following lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush...
HTK-CS48 Modern Luftwaffe paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 1 --> ORANGE LIN...
HTK-CS48 includes colours of German aircraft from 1960s till early 1980s. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS83 Ultimate Su-33 Flanker-D paint set of 6 x 17ml --> ORANGE LIN...
HTK-CS83 includes lacquer model paints for airbrush, standard colours of Su-33 fleet in Russian Naval Aviation service....
HTK-CS18 US Navy and USMC high-viz Paint Set of 6 x 17ml --> ORANGE LI...
Set of six model lasquer paint. Colors for US Navy and US Marines airplanes from 1944 to the end of 1970s.
HTK-CS55 Modern Luftwaffe paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 2 --> ORANGE LINE
8 scale model lacquer paints for airbrush use. Set includes standard colours of German aircraft from the 1980s to 1990s
HTK-CS73 Modern Royal Air Force paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 2 --> ORANG...
Set of eight shades of scale model lacquer paints for airbrush use. Set includes standard colours of RAF aircraft from the 1950s till 1990s...
HTK-CS81 Modern German Army AFV paint set of 8 x 17ml --> ORANGE LINE
The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush, includes standard colours of German AFVs since 1955. ...
HTK-CS08 RAF in Africa paint set of 4 x 17ml --> ORANGE LINE
Set includes standard camouflage colours of RAF planes in Northern Africa. Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush....
HTK-CS53 Early US Navy & USMC paint set of 6 x 17ml --> ORANGE LINE
The set includes standard camouflage colours of US naval planes from 1919 till 1942. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS84 Modern Danish Army AFV paint set of 6 x 17ml --> ORANGE LINE
Set includes standard colours of Danish AFVs since 1980s. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS86 Russian AF Helicopters paint set of 8 x 17ml, vol. 1 --> ORAN...
The set includes standard colours of Russian AF helicopters since 2010, lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush....
HTK-CS10 USAF Paint Set European Camouflage 6 x 17ml--> ORANGE LINE
HTK-CS10 includes standard camouflage colours of USAF planes in 1980s, lasquer paints for airbrush use.
HTK-CS33 Early WW2 Soviet Air Force paint set 8 x 17ml--> ORANGE LINE
HTK-CS33 includes lacquer model paint, selection of 8 colours required for modeling of Soviet planes used from 1937 till 1943...
HTK-CS87 British AAC Helicopters paint set 8 x 17ml--> ORANGE LINE
Set of lacquer model paints for airbrushing, includes standard colours of Army Air Corps aircraft since 1970s
HTK-CS88 Early WW2 German AFV paint set 8 x 17ml--> ORANGE LINE
Set of 8 lacquer model paints colours of German military vehicles from 1923 till 1943
HTK-CS49 RAF Coastal Command & RN FAA paint set -- ORANGE LINE 6 x 17...
The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush. Includes standard colours of British maritime aeroplanes during WW2...
HTK-CS68 Modern Hellenic AF paint set vol. 1 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
The set contains the lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush. Set includes standard colours of Greek aircraft since 1970s...
HTK-CS70 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 3 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17...
Set includes standard colours of RAF training aircraft since 1950s; lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:
HTK-CS90 German AFV in Africa paint set -- ORANGE LINE 6 x 17ml
The set includes standard colours of German military vehicles in Africa during WW2. Box contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush...
HTK-CS22 British AFV paint set 6 x 17ml (WW2 European colours) -- ORAN...
HTK-CS22 includes standard colours of British vehicles in Europe from 1939 till 1945
HTK-CS60 Modern Portuguese AF paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 2 -- ORANGE ...
HTK-CS60 includes standard colours of Portuguese aircraft since 1980s. Set of 8 lacquer paints 17ml.
HTK-CS76 Air Ambulance (HEMS) paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE L...
HTK-AS76 includes standard colours of modern European air ambulance helicopters. The set contains 8 lacquer paint 17ml.
HTK-CS80 Royal Netherlands AF paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE L...
HTK-CS80 includes standard colours of Dutch helicopters since 1970s. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS89 Modern Czech AF paint set 6 x 17ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE LINE
HTK-CS89 includes standard colours of Czech aircraft since 1990s. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS02 Early Luftwaffe paint set of 4 x 17ml -- ORANGE LINE
Lacquer model paint set. Contains standard camouflage colours of Luftwaffe planes from 1937 till 1941
HTK-CS14 US Marine Corps Helicopters Paint Set -- ORANGE LINE
Set of model lacquer paints recommended for airbrush painting. Box includes Standard colours of USMC helicopters since 1950s....
HTK-CS30 USAF Aggressor Squadron paint set of 6 x 17ml vol. 2 -- ORANG...
Model paint set includes standard colours of USAF aggressor F-15 and F-16 fleet. The set contains lacquer based paints, for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS69 WW2 Imperial Japanese Army AFV paint set 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE L...
Set of lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush. Box includes standard colours of Japanese Army vehicles from 1937 till 1945. ...
HTK-CS12 Israeli AF paint set (1970's desert colours) 8 x 17ml -- ORAN...
Set includes standard colours of Israeli aircraft in 1970s. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS28 Falklands Conflict paint set vol. 2; 8 x 17ml-- ORANGE LINE
Set includes standard colours of British planes during the Falklands (Malvinas) conflict. Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS29 USAF Aggressor Squadron paint set vol. 1; 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE ...
Set includes standard colours of USAF aggressor F-15 and F-16 fleet. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS92 South African Army paint set 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE LINE
Model paintset - lacquers for airbrushing. Contains colours of South African Army after WW2.
HTK-CS03 Late Luftwaffe paint set -- ORANGE LINE 6 x 17ml
Set of 6 x 17ml model lacquer paint. Colours of German Luftwaffe 1941 -1945
HTK-CS19 US Army Helicopters Paint Set -- ORANGE LINE 6 x 17ml
Model paint lacquer colors. Contains camouflage shades of the US ARMY helicopters 1950s-2010s.
HTK-CS61 Modern Luftwaffe paint set vol. 3 -- ORANGE LINE 6 x 17ml
Six cellulose lacquer model paint set 17ml each. Buy modern jet fighter colours of the Luftwaffe!
HTK-CS94 Late WW2 German AFV paint set -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Set of model colours 8 x 17ml. Contains cellulose lacquer paints for German tank models from 1943-45.
HTK-CS23 RAF Photo Reconnaissance Units paint set -- ORANGE LINE 6 x 1...
Lacquer based paints, optimised for airbrush, set includes standard colours of RAF PRU aircraft from 1940 till 1945
HTK-CS32 Luftwaffe "Legion Condor" paint set -- ORANGE LINE 6 x 17 ml
Set of lacquer model paints, includes standard colours of Luftwaffe aircraft in Spain from 1936 till 1939.
HTK-CS64 Modern Belgian AF paint set vol. 2 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Model paint - cellulose lacquer for airbrush use, color set includes standard colours of Belgian aircraft since 1990s
HTK-CS95 WW2 Soviet AFV paint set -- ORANGE LINE 6 x 17ml
Set of lacquer based model paints, optimised for use with airbrush, includes standard colours of Soviet military vehicles during WW2. ...
HTK-CS06.2 Luftwaffe in Africa paint set -- ORANGE LINE
Model paint lacquer set for airbrush. Contains colours of the German Luftwaffe aircraft from Africa campaign 1941-43...