For an avid modeller, there is no better reward than the moment when the finished work finally becomes a faithful image of its real counterpart. However, to achieve this effect, ordinary stickers and other questionable half-measures are not enough - high-quality acrylic paints or cellulose lacquers are necessary. In this section of our online store, you will find everything you need to give your creations the colour they deserve!
Modelling — acrylic paints and cellulose lacquers in many versions
Choosing paint for painting models of tanks and planes is not only a matter of colour - the issue of matching the product to the application method is equally important. In this section you will find, among others, acrylic paints from the RED line, which were created for airbrush painting. This series is aimed at intermediate users.
We recommend the BLUE line for beginners - these paints are perfect for applying with a brush. The most demanding users will certainly appreciate the ORANGE series. Fine pigment and no fillers guarantee perfect coverage and, therefore, the best final effect. This is the best option if you want the most faithful reproduction of the smallest details.
Modelling paints — individually or in a set
Our offer allows you to shop the way you like! You can choose one of our themed sets - containing the authentic colours of a specific country's air or land forces - or choose individual paints, according to your preferences. Each item is described in detail on the product subpage. Please contact us with any questions or concerns!
HTK-CS87 British AAC Helicopters paint set 8 x 17ml--> ORANGE LINE
Set of lacquer model paints for airbrushing, includes standard colours of Army Air Corps aircraft since 1970s
HTK-CS60 Modern Portuguese AF paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 2 -- ORANGE ...
HTK-CS60 includes standard colours of Portuguese aircraft since 1980s. Set of 8 lacquer paints 17ml.
HTK-CS59 Modern Belgian AF paint set vol. 1 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Set of model paint - lacqer colors for airbrush. Contains eight colors of Belgian Air Force aircraft 1950s-1980s.
HTK-CS72 Modern Polish Army AFV paint set ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
HTK-CS72 set contains the following lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush. Includes standard colours of Polish Army vehicles since 2000s. ...
HTK-CS67 Modern US Army and USMC AFV paint set 8 x 17ml ORANGE LINE
HTK-CS67 includes standard colours of US AFVs since mid-1980s
HTK-CS51 US Army paint set 8 x 17ml (MERDC camouflage) ORANGE LINE
Model paint lacquer set 8 x 17ml, includes standard colours of US Army vehicles from mid-1970s till mid-1980s.
HTK-CS44 USAF, USN & USMC paint set (modern greys) 8 x 17ml --> ORANGE...
Paint set includes standard camouflage colours of US aircraft since late 1970s. Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush...
HTK-CS62 Israeli Air Force paint set (modern jets) 8 x 17ml --> ORANGE...
HTK-CS62 includes standard colours of Israeli planes since late 1970s. Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush....
HTK-CS77 Modern British Army & RAF AFV paint set 8 x 17ml --> ORANGE L...
HTK-CS77 includes standard Modern British Army & RAF AFV paint set. Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:
HTK-CS75 Modern Hellenic AF paint vol. 2 set of 8 x 17ml
HTK-CS75 includes standard colours of Greek aircraft since 1980s.
HTK-CS52 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 1, 8 x 17ml ORANGE LIN...
HTK-CS52 includes standard colours of RAF aircraft from 1990s till present. Lacquer model paint 8 x 17ml.
HTK-CS48 Modern Luftwaffe paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 1 --> ORANGE LIN...
HTK-CS48 includes colours of German aircraft from 1960s till early 1980s. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS55 Modern Luftwaffe paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 2 --> ORANGE LINE
8 scale model lacquer paints for airbrush use. Set includes standard colours of German aircraft from the 1980s to 1990s
HTK-CS73 Modern Royal Air Force paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 2 --> ORANG...
Set of eight shades of scale model lacquer paints for airbrush use. Set includes standard colours of RAF aircraft from the 1950s till 1990s...
HTK-CS81 Modern German Army AFV paint set of 8 x 17ml --> ORANGE LINE
The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush, includes standard colours of German AFVs since 1955. ...
HTK-CS86 Russian AF Helicopters paint set of 8 x 17ml, vol. 1 --> ORAN...
The set includes standard colours of Russian AF helicopters since 2010, lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush....
HTK-CS33 Early WW2 Soviet Air Force paint set 8 x 17ml--> ORANGE LINE
HTK-CS33 includes lacquer model paint, selection of 8 colours required for modeling of Soviet planes used from 1937 till 1943...
HTK-CS88 Early WW2 German AFV paint set 8 x 17ml--> ORANGE LINE
Set of 8 lacquer model paints colours of German military vehicles from 1923 till 1943
HTK-CS68 Modern Hellenic AF paint set vol. 1 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
The set contains the lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush. Set includes standard colours of Greek aircraft since 1970s...
HTK-CS70 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 3 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17...
Set includes standard colours of RAF training aircraft since 1950s; lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:
HTK-CS76 Air Ambulance (HEMS) paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE L...
HTK-AS76 includes standard colours of modern European air ambulance helicopters. The set contains 8 lacquer paint 17ml.
HTK-CS80 Royal Netherlands AF paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE L...
HTK-CS80 includes standard colours of Dutch helicopters since 1970s. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS14 US Marine Corps Helicopters Paint Set -- ORANGE LINE
Set of model lacquer paints recommended for airbrush painting. Box includes Standard colours of USMC helicopters since 1950s....
HTK-CS69 WW2 Imperial Japanese Army AFV paint set 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE L...
Set of lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush. Box includes standard colours of Japanese Army vehicles from 1937 till 1945. ...
HTK-CS12 Israeli AF paint set (1970's desert colours) 8 x 17ml -- ORAN...
Set includes standard colours of Israeli aircraft in 1970s. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS28 Falklands Conflict paint set vol. 2; 8 x 17ml-- ORANGE LINE
Set includes standard colours of British planes during the Falklands (Malvinas) conflict. Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS29 USAF Aggressor Squadron paint set vol. 1; 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE ...
Set includes standard colours of USAF aggressor F-15 and F-16 fleet. The set contains lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:...
HTK-CS92 South African Army paint set 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE LINE
Model paintset - lacquers for airbrushing. Contains colours of South African Army after WW2.
HTK-CS94 Late WW2 German AFV paint set -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Set of model colours 8 x 17ml. Contains cellulose lacquer paints for German tank models from 1943-45.
HTK-CS64 Modern Belgian AF paint set vol. 2 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Model paint - cellulose lacquer for airbrush use, color set includes standard colours of Belgian aircraft since 1990s
HTK-CS66 Modern Luftwaffe paint set vol. 4 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Set of lacquer model paints for airbrush use. Contains Luftwaffe colours from 1980s and 1990s.
HTK-CS96 Ukrainian AF paint set vol. 1 (Blue Pixel) -- ORANGE LINE 8 x...
Model paint lacquer set recommended for airbrush use. Ukrainian Air force Su-27 fighters colours.
HTK-CS82 Royal Netherlands AF paint set vol. 2 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Model paint set - cellulose lacquer colours. Royal Dutch Air Force jet fighters shades
HTK-CS100 Scale Modelling Basic Colours set – ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Set of model paint - cellulose lacquers for airbrush.
HTK-CS56 Modern Portuguese AF paint set of 8x 17ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE LI...
Model paint cellulose lacquers. Eight colours of Portuguease Air Forces 1950s-1970s.
HTK-CS71 Israeli Air Force paint set of 8 x 17ml (modern rotors) -- OR...
Set of 8 model colour lacquers. Contains camouflage shades of the IAF
HTK-CS99 US Army paint set (MASSTER & DUALTEX) 8 x 17ml
Model paint - lacquer set for airbrushing. Eight colours of US ARMY combat vehicles in Europe in 1980s.
HTK-CS101 Modern Swedish AF paint set vol. 1 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Lakiery modelarskie do malowania aerografem. Kolory szwedzkich odrzutowców 1950-1990.
HTK-CS27 Falklands Conflict paint set 8 x 17ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE LINE
Osiem kolorów lakierów modelarskich do malowania aerografem - lotnictwo Argentyny 1982
HTK-CS63 USMC AV-8 paint set (early schemes) 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE LINE
Eight lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush: includes standard colours of Harrier fleet in USMC service from 1970s till 1990s. ...
HTK-CS98 British SAR Service paint set of 8 x 17 ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE L...
Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush, includes 8 standard colours of RAF/RN search and rescue helicopters....
HTK-CS97 Modern Royal Air Force paint set 8 x 17 ml vol. 5 -- ORANGE ...
Set of eight lacquer model paints 17 ml recommended for airbrush use. RAF Strategic Bombers colours from Cold War
HTK-CS102 RAF Bomber Command paint set 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE LINE
Set of model paint lacquer colours, includes standard colours of RAF bomber force during WW2.
HTK-CS108 Modern Australian Army AFV paint set of 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE L...
Eight lacquer model paint for airbrush 17 ml, standard colours of Australian AFVs since 1950s
HTK-CS110 Mid-War Luftwaffe paint set of 8 x 17 ml -- ORANGE LINE
Set of eight colours, cellulose lacquer model paint ORANGE LINE for airbrushing. Luftwaffe camouflage 1941-44.
HTK-AS14 US Marine Corps Helicopters Paint Set of 8
“MEGA” set in Hataka Hobby line, consisting of eight colours for USMC helicopters from 1950s to present.
HTK-AS21 Early WW2 French Army paint set of 8
If you ever asked what shade to use for your plastic kit FT17 or B1, here is answer. Check out now!
HTK-AS15 Swiss Air Force Paint Set WW2 period
HTK-AS15 set provides the comprehensive and reliable range of colours for modeling of Swiss Air Force aircraft from 1930s-40s.
HTK-AS27 Falklands Conflict paint set vol. 1 set of 8
HTK-AS27 contains a careful selection of colours required for modeling of Fuerza Aérea Argentina planes of 1982
HTK-AS28 Falklands Conflict paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 2
Set of authentic shades to paint models of RAF, FAA , Royal Marines and Army Air Corps in Falkland War 1982
HTK-AS33 Early WW2 Soviet Air Force paint set of 8
HTK-AS33 contains a careful selection of colours required for modeling of Soviet planes used from 1937 till 1943. ...
HTK-AS29 USAF Aggressor Squadron paint set vol. 1 (6 x 17ml)
HTK-AS29 includes colours for Arctic Flanker, Lizard Flanker/ Flogger and Desert/ Brown USAF aggressor patterns.
HTK-AS41 Combat Mechas & Robots paint set of 8
Zestaw farb modelarskich, do wielu schematów malowania humadoidalnych robotów wojennych (zarówno tradycyjnych mechów, jak i robotów sterowanych radiowo)....
HTK-AS44 USAF, USN & USMC paint set (modern greys) set of 8
Modern USA jet camouflage grey colors set including Have Glass 5 camo for F-35 Lightning II
HTK-AS52 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 1
Eight top quality acrylic authentic shade model paints for Modern RAF model kits. From 1990's to present.
HTK-AS60 Modern Portuguese AF paint set vol. 2
HTK-AS60 includes standard colours of Portuguese aircraft since 1980s. The set contains 8 bottles 17ml each.
HTK-AS62 Israeli Air Force model paint set (modern jets)
HTK-AS62 includes standard Colours of Israeli planes since late 1970s.
HTK-AS63 USMC AV-8 paint set early schemes 8 x 17ml
Set of acrylic model paint for airbrush, includes standard colours of Harrier fleet in U.S. Marine Corps service from 1970s till 1990s...
HTK-AS64 Modern Belgian AF paint set vol. 2, 8 x 17ml
HTK-AS64 to zestaw farb zawierający standardowe kolory wykorzystywane w belgijskich siłach powietrznych od 1990 roku...
HTK-AS66 Modern Luftwaffe paint set vol. 4. 8x17ml
Model paint set includes standard colours of German F-4F fleet from 1980s till mid-1990s.