European I Grey - FS36081, used on aircraft of TAC (incl. A-10s, OV-10s, F-4s, F-16s), SAC (B-1Bs and FB-111As) and US ANG A-7Ds...
Gunship Grey - FS36118, used on MAC and SAC aircraft, also on USAF helicopters. Used in early "Euro" schemes of A-10s and F-4s...
P.R. Pink - Overall colour of RAF P.R.U. aircraft operating at low altitudes from 1940 (incl. Spitfire PR I) to 1944 (incl. Spitfire FR IX)
HTK-A025 Interior Grey-Green 17ml
Interior Grey-Green — Standard colour of cockpit interiors of RAF aircraft
Sky „Type S” — Used for lower surfaces of RAF aircraft until 1941
HTK-A027 Intermediate Blue 17ml
Intermediate Blue — Used for fuselage sides and vertical stabilizer of US Navy carrier-based aircraft from January 1943 till June 1944...
Medium Green — color used for blotches on Olive Drab background until 1942
Medium Green — Used for upper surfaces in USAF SEA camouflage scheme of TAC aircraft
Mid Stone – Used for upper surfaces in RAF Mediterranean camouflage schemes...
HTK-A014 Sand-Yellow (RLM79) 17ml
Sand-Yellow (RLM79) – Used as a base colour for upper surfaces in Luftwaffe Mediterranean scheme
Dark Green – Used for upper surfaces in RAF camouflage schemes throughout the war...
HTK-A018 US Olive Drab (late) 17ml
US Olive Drab (late) — Used for upper surfaces of USAAF aircraft after 1943
HTK-A006 Semi-Gloss Sea Blue 17ml
Color used for top of fuselage and upper wing surfaces of US Navy carrier-based aircraft from January 1943 till June 1944
RAF Dark Earth — Used for upper surfaces in RAF camouflage schemes until 1941
Dark Tan – Used for upper surfaces in USAF SEA camouflage scheme of TAC aircraft
HTK-A002 Polish Heli Dark Green 17ml
Current overall colour of Polish AF and Polish Army helicopters, including Mi-2, Mi-8/17, Mi-24, W-3 and SW-4 Puszczyk
HTK-A004 US Olive Drab (early) 17ml
US Olive Drab (early) — Used for upper surfaces of USAAF aircraft until 1943
HTK-A001 Dark Sea Blue (ANA 623) 17ml
Dark Sea blue (ANA 623) - Standard overall colour of US carrier-based aircraft from late 1944 until 1955
Black-Grey (RLM66) — Standard colour of cockpit interiors from mid-war onwards
Light Blue (RLM76) — Used for lower surfaces in late-war camouflage schemes
Dark Green (RLM83) — Used for upper surfaces in late-war camouflage schemes
HTK-A020 - Light Green (RLM82)
Light Green (RLM82) — Used for upper surfaces in late-war camouflage schemes...
HTK-A008 — Brown-Violet (RLM81)
Brown-Violet (RLM81) — Used for upper surfaces in late-war camouflage schemes
HTK-A007 – Grey-Violet (RLM75)
Grey-Violet (RLM75) — Used for upper surfaces of fighter aircraft from 1941 onwards
HTK-A029 – Light Blue – (RLM65/78)
Light Blue (RLM65/78) — Standard colour of lower surfaces in early wartime period — Used for upper surfaces of fighters during Battle of Britain, also for cockpit interiors of all aircraft...
Grey (RLM02) — Used for upper surfaces of fighters during Battle of Britain, also for cockpit interiors of all aircraft
Dark Green (RLM71) — Used for upper surfaces in two-green splinter scheme
HTK-A015 – Black-Green (RLM70)
Black-Green (RLM70) — Used for upper surfaces in two-green splinter scheme and on fighters during Battle of Britain
Light Blue-Grey — Standard colour of lower surfaces of fighter and bomber aircraft of Polish Air Force
„Polish Khaki” in light variant used for upper surfaces of fighter and reconnaissance aircraft
„Polish Khaki” in dark variant used for upper surfaces of bomber aircraft (including PZL-37 Łoś)
Silver (Met) — Used primarily for cockpit interiors, but also for lower surfaces of Polish AF reconnaissance aircraft
HTK-AS24 Warsaw Pact AFV panel lighting set of 6
Color set for ”color modulation” or „color desaturation” of Warsaw Pact AFVs model kits.
HTK-AS19 US Army Helicopters Paint Set of 6
Colours for modeling of US Army helicopters from Vietnam war era to the recent machines used in operations over Iraq and Afghanistan.
HTK-A104 Traffic Yellow (RAL 1023)
Acrylic model paint 17ml. Excellent for airbrush and brush painting model kits
HTK-A105 Luminous Yellow (RAL 1026)
Acrylic model paint 17ml. Excellent for airbrush and brush painting model kits
HTK-A102 Signal Blue (RAL 5005)
HTK-A102 Niebieski Signal Blue (RAL 5005) Acrylic model paint 17ml. Excellent for airbrush and brush painting model kits
HTK-A103 Traffic Red (RAL 3020)
Acrylic model paint 17ml. Excellent for airbrush and brush painting model kits
HTK-A101 Traffic White (RAL 9016)
Acrylic model paint 17ml. Excellent for airbrush and brush painting model kits
Acrylic model paint 17ml. Excellent for airbrush and brush painting model kits
HTK-AS22 British AFV paint set WW2 European colours set of 6 x 17ml
Set contains WW2 colours providing for the first time comprehensive and reliable range of colours for British AFV modellers....
HTK-AS23 RAF Photo - Reconnaissance Units paint set of 6
Set of authentic colors for PRU Spitfire and Mosquito model kits. See exact shades to paint your photo reconnaissance replica now!
HTK-AS21 Early WW2 French Army paint set of 8
If you ever asked what shade to use for your plastic kit FT17 or B1, here is answer. Check out now!
HTK-AS20 Late WW2 Soviet Air Force paint set of 6 x 17ml
Colour paint set for VVS planes - Soviet Air Force used in the late WW2 period (from July 1943 onwards) on both fighter and attack aircraft....
HTK-AS18 US Navy and USMC high-viz Paint Set of 6
Selection of colors for painting models of US Navy and USMC aircraft. Excellent for Korea and Vietnam scale model kits!
HTK-AS17 Modern Polish Air Force paint set vol. 1 (set of 6)
Set of authentic camouflage colors of Polish F-16, MiG-29 fighters as well as Aviation and Army helicopters.
HTK-AS16 Early WW2 French Air Force paint set of 6
Set of 6 x17ml colors for 1940 French Campaign model kits
HTK-AS12 Israeli AF paint set (1970's desert colours) set of 6
Excellent color set for Yom Kippur war Israeli aircraft models
The thinner was formulated and tested to achieve the best result working with Hataka Hobby paints. Hataka Hobby Acrylic Thinner...
HTK-AS14 US Marine Corps Helicopters Paint Set of 8
“MEGA” set in Hataka Hobby line, consisting of eight colours for USMC helicopters from 1950s to present.
HTK-AS11 “Early WW2 Polish Army paint set”
The set covers standard colours used on Polish Army vehicles used from 1936 till September 1939 campaign.
HTK-AS10, USAF Paint Set (European Camouflage) set of 6
Acrylic model paints for an airbrush, Cold War USAF European Colours.
HTK-AS09 USAF Paint Set (Vietnam war-era) set of 6
Hatake paint - painting model airplanes has never been so easy. Hatake acrylics kits tailored to your needs.
HTK-AS07 Royal Air Force paint set of 6
Hatake paint - painting model airplanes has never been so easy. Hatake acrylics kits tailored to your needs.
HTK-AS08 “RAF in Africa paint set” of 4
Hatake paint - painting model airplanes has never been so easy. Hatake acrylics kits tailored to your needs....
HTK-AS06.2 Luftwaffe in Africa paint set 6x17ml
Hataka acrylic model paint - Luftwaffe Mediterraean Colours 1941-43 - Airbrush optimised paint
HTK-AS04 US Army Air Force paint set of 6
Acrylic colour set for airbrushing, includes standard camouflage colours of USAAF planes from 1941 till 1945.
HTK-AS05 Late US Navy paint set of 4
Hatake paint - painting model airplanes has never been so easy. Hatake acrylics kits tailored to your needs.
HTK-AS02 Early Luftwaffe paint set of 4
Hatake paint - painting model airplanes has never been so easy. Hatake acrylics kits tailored to your needs.
HTK-AS03 Late Luftwaffe paint set of 6
Hatake paint - painting model airplanes has never been so easy. Hatake acrylics kits tailored to your needs.