HTK-BS83 Ultimate Su-33 Flanker-D paint set 6 of 17ml – BLUE LINE
Set of standard colours of Su-33 fleet in Russian Naval Aviation service. The set contains 6 x 17ml acrylic paints for paintbrush use....
HTK-BS47 Polish Air Force Su-22M4 paint set of 6 x 17ml – BLUE LINE
Set if six 17ml model colors for painting "NATO" camouflage of SU-22M4 models in Polish Air Force 1997-2015
HTK-BS46 Polish Navy / Air Force TS-11 paint set 6 x 17ml – BLUE LINE
Set of six acrylic model paints 17ml, recommended for airbrush, colours of TS-11 Iskra bis DF i R Novax camouflage
HTK-AS109 Ukrainian AF paint set vol. 2 (Grey Pixel) 6 x 17ml
Six acrylic model paint bottles 17ml. Recommended for airbrush colour of Ucrainian Aviation pixel camouflage
HTK-AS108 Modern Australian Army AFV paint set of 8 x 17ml
Eight acrylic model paint for airbrush 17 ml, includes standard colours of Australian AFVs since 1950s
HTK-CS107 WW2 Dutch AF paint set vol. 1 -- ORANGE LINE 6 x 17ml
Set of six model paint 17ml, cellulose lacquer for aibrush use. Dutch aviation colours 1919-1940.
HTK-CS106 WW2 Italian AFV paint set -- ORANGE LINE 6 x 17ml
Set of six lacquer model paint 17ml, standard colours of Italian military vehicles during WW2
HTK-BS97 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 5 – BLUE LINE 8 x 17ml
Set of eight model colours 17ml recommended for paintbrush use. RAF strategoc bombers and tankers shades during Cold War era....
HTK-BS85 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 4 – BLUE LINE 8 x 17ml
Set includes standard colours of RAF aerobatic and test aircraft since 1950s. The set contains 6 x 17ml acrylic paints, for use with brush:...
HTK-AS107 WW2 Dutch AF paint set of 6 x 17ml vol. 1
Set of six model paint 17ml, acrylic for aibrush use. Dutch aviation colours 1919-1940.
HTK-CS105 MiG-29A/UB 4-colour scheme paint set of 6 x 17ml -- ORANGE L...
Six shades of model paint 17ml, cellulose lacquer for airbrushing. Colours of MiG-29 fighters Warsaw Pact.
HTK-CS104 Early Su-27S/P/UB Flanker-B/C paint set 6 x 17ml -- ORANGE L...
Zestaw sześciu farb modelarskich 17ml, lakierów celulozowych do malowania aerografem. Kolory myśliwców Su-27.
HTK-BS102 RAF Bomber Command paint set 8 x 17ml – BLUE LINE
Osiem akrylowych farb modelarskich 17ml do malowania pędzlem. Kolory lotnictwa bombowego RAF II WŚ.
HTK-BS98 British SAR Service paint set of 8 x 17 ml vol. 1 – BLUE LIN...
Eight shades of acrylic model paint 17 ml for paintbrush use. Colours of British Search and Rescue Helicopters.
HTK-AS106 WW2 Italian AFV paint set 6 x 17ml
Set of six acrylic model paint shades 17ml, standard colours of Italian military vehicles during WW2
HTK-CS102 RAF Bomber Command paint set 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE LINE
Set of model paint lacquer colours, includes standard colours of RAF bomber force during WW2.
HTK-CS93 Modern North Korean AF paint set - 6 x 17ml - ORANGE LINE
Lacquer model paint set for airbrush. Set includes standard colours of North Korean aircraft during "Wonsan 2016" air show...
HTK-CS79 Air Ambulance (HEMS) paint set 4 x 17ml, vol. 2-- ORANGE LINE
HTK-AS79 set of model paints celullose lacquers - includes standard colours of Polish LPR air ambulance helicopters....
HTK-BS77 Modern British Army & RAF AFV paint set 8 x 17ml – BLUE LINE
HTK-BS77 acrylic model paint set, includes standard colours of British military vehicles since 1950
HTK-AS105 MiG-29A/UB 4-colour scheme paint set of 6 x 17ml
Set of six acrylic 17ml model paint for airbrush, includes standard colours of MiG-29A/UB in Warsaw Pact service.
HTK-AS104 Early Su-27S/P/UB Flanker-B/C paint set of 6 x 17ml
Acrylic model paint for airbrush, set contains 6 x 17ml colours of the early Su-27 fighters.
HTK-CS103 WW2 Italian Air Force Paint set of 6 x 17 ml vol. 1 -- ORANG...
Set of six model lacquer paints 17ml for airbrushing. Colours of Italian Republica Salo (ANR) Air Force
HTK-CS97 Modern Royal Air Force paint set 8 x 17 ml vol. 5 -- ORANGE ...
Set of eight lacquer model paints 17 ml recommended for airbrush use. RAF Strategic Bombers colours from Cold War
HTK-CS91 Modern Romanian AF paint set of 6 x 17 ml - vol. 1 -- ORANGE ...
Set of cellulose lacquer paint for plastic models (6 x 17ml). Modern Romanian aeroplane colours.
HTK-CS54 Early USN & USMC Section Colours paint set 6 x 17 ml -- ORANG...
Set of model lacquer paint for airbrush. Contain section and tail colors of the US NAVY & MARINES airplanes 1931-1941...
HTK-BS95 WW2 Soviet AFV paint set of 6 x 17ml – BLUE LINE
Set of six model colours 17ml. Recommended for paintbrush use. Soviet military vehicles colours World War Two.
HTK-C137 Pucara Light Tan - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-C138 Pucara Medium Blue - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-C235 Dark Blue-Grey (FS36099) - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-C245 Kenttävihreä (TM 1474/76) - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-C247 Vaaleanvihreä (AN22) - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-B019 Medium Green 42 - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – acrylic model paint for paint brush
HTK-B033 Neutral Grey 43 - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – acrylic model paint for paint brush
HTK-C136 Pucara Pale Green - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-B004 US Olive Drab 41 (Early) - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – acrylic model paint for paint brush
HTK-B018 US Olive Drab (Late, ANA 613) - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – acrylic model paint for paint brush
HTK-CS98 British SAR Service paint set of 8 x 17 ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE L...
Lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush, includes 8 standard colours of RAF/RN search and rescue helicopters....
HTK-CS65 Modern Finnish Army AFV paint set of 6 x 17ml -- ORANGE LINE
Six cellulose lacquer model paint for airbrushing. Contains Finnish Army colours since 1959.
HTK-CS63 USMC AV-8 paint set (early schemes) 8 x 17ml -- ORANGE LINE
Eight lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush: includes standard colours of Harrier fleet in USMC service from 1970s till 1990s. ...
HTK-CS27 Falklands Conflict paint set 8 x 17ml vol. 1 -- ORANGE LINE
Osiem kolorów lakierów modelarskich do malowania aerografem - lotnictwo Argentyny 1982
HTK-AS103 WW2 Italian Air Force Paint set of 6 x 17ml vol. 1
Set of six acrylic model paints for airbrush, includes standard colours of ANR aircraft from 1943 till 1945
HTK-C290 BS Lemon Yellow (BS381C:355) - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushingoste.
HTK-C291 BS Cherry Red (BS381C:538) - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-C292 BS Oxford Blue (BS381C:105) - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-C324 Swedish Dk Green (326M) - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-C325 Swedish Lt Green (322M) - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-C095 Gris Bleu Clair - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-C096 Gris Clair Neutre - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-C204 BS Deep Buff (BS381C:360) - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-C205 BS Light Admiralty Grey (BS381C:697) - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-B027 Intermediate Blue (FS35164, ANA 608) - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – acrylic model paint for paint brush
HTK-B211 Interior Green (FS34151, ANA 611) - 17ml
Hataka Hobby – acrylic model paint for paint brush
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
Hataka Hobby – Lacquer paint for airbrushing
HTK-CS101 Modern Swedish AF paint set vol. 1 -- ORANGE LINE 8 x 17ml
Lakiery modelarskie do malowania aerografem. Kolory szwedzkich odrzutowców 1950-1990.