Model Paints

HTK-AS28 Falklands Conflict paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 2

HTK-AS28 Falklands Conflict paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 2

Set of authentic shades to paint models of RAF, FAA , Royal Marines and Army Air Corps in Falkland War 1982

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS29 USAF Aggressor Squadron paint set vol. 1 (6 x 17ml)

HTK-AS29 USAF Aggressor Squadron paint set vol. 1 (6 x 17ml)

HTK-AS29 includes colours for Arctic Flanker, Lizard Flanker/ Flogger and Desert/ Brown USAF aggressor patterns.

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS30 USAF Aggressor Squadron paint set of 6 vol. 2

HTK-AS30 USAF Aggressor Squadron paint set of 6 vol. 2

Zestaw pozwala pomalować samoloty na takie schematy malowania eskadr agresorów USAF, jak Blue Flanker, Blizzard i Digital Splinter.

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS31 Early WW2 German AFV | panel lighting set of 6

HTK-AS31 Early WW2 German AFV | panel lighting set of 6

Set of colors for realistic painting and weathering of AFV model kits. Contains both Wehrmacht and SS/Polizei colors!

gross: €12.41 *
(net: €10.09 )
HTK-AS32 Luftwaffe Legion Condor paint set of 6

HTK-AS32 Luftwaffe Legion Condor paint set of 6

HTK-AS32 contains a careful selection of colours required for modeling of Luftwaffe planes used from 1936 till 1939.

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS33 Early WW2 Soviet Air Force paint set of 8

HTK-AS33 Early WW2 Soviet Air Force paint set of 8

HTK-AS33 contains a careful selection of colours required for modeling of Soviet planes used from 1937 till 1943. ...

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS34 Israeli Air Force paint set (early period) set of 6

HTK-AS34 Israeli Air Force paint set (early period) set of 6

Set contains a careful selection of colours required for modeling of Israeli planes used from 1948 till 1967.

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS35 German Red Primer AFV | panel lighting set of 6

HTK-AS35 German Red Primer AFV | panel lighting set of 6

Perfect set for achieving a realistic lighting effect on German AFVs that were emergency assembled in 1945

gross: €12.41 *
(net: €10.09 )
HTK-AS36 1945 WW2 German AFV | panel lighting set of 8

HTK-AS36 1945 WW2 German AFV | panel lighting set of 8

Hataka Hobby products designed for achieving realistic effects of wear and tear on AFV models via different painting and weathering techniques...

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS37 WW2 AFV Interior Colours paint set of 6

HTK-AS37 WW2 AFV Interior Colours paint set of 6

HTK-AS37 contains a careful selection of colours required for modeling interiors of armoured vehicles during WW2.

gross: €12.41 *
(net: €10.09 )
HTK-AS38 German AFV Winter Camo 2 in 1 - set of 4

HTK-AS38 German AFV Winter Camo 2 in 1 - set of 4

Color set designed to achieve an effect of heavily weathered temporary winter coat of German vehicles WW2.

gross: €10.27 *
(net: €8.35 )
HTK-AS39 WW2 Hungarian AFV - panel lighting set of 6

HTK-AS39 WW2 Hungarian AFV - panel lighting set of 6

Perfect match acrylic model colors for camouflage, fading and weathering WW2 Hungarian tanks and other AFVs.

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS40 Polish Railways locomotives paint set of 6 vol. 1

HTK-AS40 Polish Railways locomotives paint set of 6 vol. 1

Zestaw akrylowych farb modelarskich Hataka zawiera kolory, stosowane do malowania polskich lokomotyw do roku 2009

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS41 Combat Mechas & Robots paint set of 8

HTK-AS41 Combat Mechas & Robots paint set of 8

Zestaw farb modelarskich, do wielu schematów malowania humadoidalnych robotów wojennych (zarówno tradycyjnych mechów, jak i robotów sterowanych radiowo)....

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS42 Polish Railways locomotives paint set vol. 2, set of 6

HTK-AS42 Polish Railways locomotives paint set vol. 2, set of 6

Zestaw 6 farb 17ml zawiera kolory, które były stosowane do malowania polskich lokomotyw od początku lat 60 do końca XX wieku...

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS44 USAF, USN & USMC paint set (modern greys) set of 8

HTK-AS44 USAF, USN & USMC paint set (modern greys) set of 8

Modern  USA jet camouflage grey colors set including Have Glass 5 camo for F-35 Lightning II

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS45 Brick buildings & ruins diorama paint set

HTK-AS45 Brick buildings & ruins diorama paint set

Selection of paints in this advanced diorama set allows modeler to achieve the realistic effect of brick walls, buildings and ruins....

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS46 Polish Navy/Air Force TS-11 Color Set of 6

HTK-AS46 Polish Navy/Air Force TS-11 Color Set of 6

Set of authentic camoflage shades for painting models of TS-11 Iskra bis DF and R Novax since 1997

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS52 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 1

HTK-AS52 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 1

Eight top quality acrylic authentic shade model paints for Modern RAF model kits. From 1990's to present.

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS53 Early US Navy paint set of 6

HTK-AS53 Early US Navy paint set of 6

US-Navy i US Marines airplane colors 1919 - 1942. Set of 6 acrylic model paint 17ml.

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS54 Early US Navy Section Colours paint set of 6

HTK-AS54 Early US Navy Section Colours paint set of 6

Kolory oznaczeń sekcji i lotniskowca dla samolotów US-Navy i US Marines 1931-1941

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS57 Polish Railways locomotives paint set vol. 3, 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS57 Polish Railways locomotives paint set vol. 3, 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS57 includes standard colours of Polish Freight Railways since 2008.

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS60 Modern Portuguese AF paint set vol. 2

HTK-AS60 Modern Portuguese AF paint set vol. 2

HTK-AS60 includes standard colours of Portuguese aircraft since 1980s. The set contains 8 bottles 17ml each.

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS61 Modern Luftwaffe model paint set vol. 3

HTK-AS61 Modern Luftwaffe model paint set vol. 3

HTK-AS61 includes standard model colours of German Luftwaffe aircraft since 1990s.

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS62 Israeli Air Force model paint set (modern jets)

HTK-AS62 Israeli Air Force model paint set (modern jets)

HTK-AS62 includes standard Colours of Israeli planes since late 1970s.

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS63 USMC AV-8 paint set early schemes 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS63 USMC AV-8 paint set early schemes 8 x 17ml

Set of acrylic model paint for airbrush, includes standard colours of Harrier fleet in U.S. Marine Corps service from 1970s till 1990s...

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS64 Modern Belgian AF paint set vol. 2,  8 x 17ml

HTK-AS64 Modern Belgian AF paint set vol. 2, 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS64 to zestaw farb zawierający standardowe kolory wykorzystywane w belgijskich siłach powietrznych od 1990 roku...

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS65 Modern Finnish Army AFV paint set of 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS65 Modern Finnish Army AFV paint set of 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS65 includes standard colours of Finnish AFVs since 1959.

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS66 Modern Luftwaffe paint set vol. 4. 8x17ml

HTK-AS66 Modern Luftwaffe paint set vol. 4. 8x17ml

Model paint set includes standard colours of German F-4F fleet from 1980s till mid-1990s. 

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS67 Modern US Army and USMC AFV paint set 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS67 Modern US Army and USMC AFV paint set 8 x 17ml

Model paint set includes standard colours of US AFVs since mid-1980s.

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS68 Modern Hellenic AF paint set vol. 1. 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS68 Modern Hellenic AF paint set vol. 1. 8 x 17ml

Model paint includes standard colours of Greek aircraft since 1970s

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS69  WW2 Imperial Japanese Army AFV paint set 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS69 WW2 Imperial Japanese Army AFV paint set 8 x 17ml

Model paint set includes standard colours of Japanese Army vehicles from 1937 till 1945

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS70 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 3, 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS70 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 3, 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS70 includes standard colours of RAF training aircraft since 1950s. The set contains:

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS71 Israeli Air Force paint set modern rotors 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS71 Israeli Air Force paint set modern rotors 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS71 includes model paint standard colours of Israeli helicopters since late 1970s.

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS72 Modern Polish Army AFV paint set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS72 Modern Polish Army AFV paint set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS72 includes model paint standard colours of Polish Army vehicles since 2000s.

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS73 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 2 - 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS73 Modern Royal Air Force paint set vol. 2 - 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS73 includes model acrylic paint standard colours of RAF aircraft from 1950s till 1990s.

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS74 Modern Brazilian AF paint set vol. 1 - 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS74 Modern Brazilian AF paint set vol. 1 - 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS74 includes model paint - standard colours of Brazilian aircraft since 1990s.

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS75 Modern Hellenic AF paint vol. 2 set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS75 Modern Hellenic AF paint vol. 2 set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS75 includes model paint standard colours of Greek aircraft since 1980s.

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS76 Air Ambulance (HEMS) paint vol. 1 set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS76 Air Ambulance (HEMS) paint vol. 1 set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS76 includes model paint standard colours of modern European air ambulance helicopters

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS77 Modern British Army and RAF AFV paint set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS77 Modern British Army and RAF AFV paint set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS77 model paint set, includes standard colours of British military vehicles since 1950

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS78 Modern Brazilian AF paint vol. 2 set 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS78 Modern Brazilian AF paint vol. 2 set 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS78 includes model paint standard colours of Brazilian Mirage fleet from 1972 till 2013.

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS79 Air Ambulance (HEMS) paint vol. 2 set 4 x 17ml

HTK-AS79 Air Ambulance (HEMS) paint vol. 2 set 4 x 17ml

HTK-AS79 set of model paints - includes standard colours of Polish LPR air ambulance helicopters.

gross: €10.27 *
(net: €8.35 )
HTK-AS80 Royal Netherlands AF paint set vol. 1 set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS80 Royal Netherlands AF paint set vol. 1 set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS80 includes standard colours of Dutch helicopters since 1970s

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS81 Modern German Army AFV paint set of 8x17ml

HTK-AS81 Modern German Army AFV paint set of 8x17ml

HTK-AS81 includes standard colours of German AFVs since 1955. Set contains 8 x 17ml acrylic paint bottles.

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS82 Royal Netherlands AF paint vol. 2 set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS82 Royal Netherlands AF paint vol. 2 set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS82 model acrylic paint set includes standard colours of Dutch aircraft since 1970s.

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS83 Ultimate Su-33 Flanker-D paint set of 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS83 Ultimate Su-33 Flanker-D paint set of 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS83 includes standard colours of Su-33 fleet in Russian Naval Aviation service. The set contains 6 x 17ml acrylic paints....

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS84 Modern Danish Army AFV paint set of 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS84 Modern Danish Army AFV paint set of 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS84 includes acrylic model paint, standard colours of Danish AFVs since 1980s. Recommended for airbrush.

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS85 Modern Royal Air Force paint set of 6 x 17ml vol. 4

HTK-AS85 Modern Royal Air Force paint set of 6 x 17ml vol. 4

HTK-AS85 includes acrylic model paint, standard colours of RAF aerobatic and test aircraft since 1950s. Recommended for airbrush use....

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS86 Russian AF Helicopters paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 1

HTK-AS86 Russian AF Helicopters paint set of 8 x 17ml vol. 1

HTK-AS86 includes acrylic model paints, standard colours of Russian AF helicopters since 2010.

gross: €16.23 *
(net: €13.20 )
HTK-AS87 British AAC Helicopters paint set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS87 British AAC Helicopters paint set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS87 zawiera akrylowe farby modelarskie, kolory śmigłowców Army Air Corps od lat 1970s.

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS88 Early WW2 German AFV paint set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS88 Early WW2 German AFV paint set of 8 x 17ml

Acrylic model paint set, colours of German military vehicles from 1923 till 1943.

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS89 Modern Czech AF paint set vol.1 - 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS89 Modern Czech AF paint set vol.1 - 6 x 17ml

Acrylic model paint for aibrush. Set includes 6 standard colours of Czech aircraft since 1990s.

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS90 German AFV in Africa paint set 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS90 German AFV in Africa paint set 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS90 includes acrylic model paint standard colours of German military vehicles in Africa during WW2.

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS91 Modern Romanian AF paint set of 6 x 17ml vol. 1

HTK-AS91 Modern Romanian AF paint set of 6 x 17ml vol. 1

HTK-AS91 includes standard colours of Romanian fighter-interceptors since mid-1990s. The set contains 6 x 17ml paints....

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS92  South African Army paint set of 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS92 South African Army paint set of 8 x 17ml

Acrylic model paint set for airbrushing. Set includes standard colours of South African military vehicles in post-WW2 period. ...

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS93  Modern North Korean AF paint set of 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS93 Modern North Korean AF paint set of 6 x 17ml

Acrylic model paint set for airbrush. Set includes standard colours of North Korean aircraft during "Wonsan 2016" air show...

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS93d Limited edition  - Modern North Korean AF paint set 6 x 17ml with 1:72 decal sheet

HTK-AS93d Limited edition - Modern North Korean AF paint set 6 x 17ml...

Model paint and decals set. Box includes standard colours of North Korean aircraft during "Wonsan 2016" air show.

gross: €16.98 *
(net: €13.80 )
HTK-AS94  Late WW2 German AFV paint set 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS94 Late WW2 German AFV paint set 8 x 17ml

Acrylic model paint set for airbrush. Includes colours of German military vehicles 1943-1945.

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
HTK-AS95  WW2 Soviet AFV paint set 6 x 17ml

HTK-AS95 WW2 Soviet AFV paint set 6 x 17ml

Set of 6 x 17ml acrylic model paint for airbrush. Contains Soviet military vehicle colours WW2

gross: €15.52 *
(net: €12.62 )
HTK-AS96  Ukrainian AF paint set vol. 1 (Blue Pixel) 8 x 17ml

HTK-AS96 Ukrainian AF paint set vol. 1 (Blue Pixel) 8 x 17ml

Set of acrylic model paints for airbrush, includes standard colours of Ukrainian Su-27 fleet in pixel camouflage

gross: €20.30 *
(net: €16.50 )
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