Plastic model kits of aircraft in 1/48 scale are very popular among modelers and aviation enthusiasts. Here are some of the main benefits of these models:
- Detail: Models in 1/48 scale offer much more space to replicate details compared to smaller scales. This allows for a more precise reproduction of structural elements, lines, and painting details of the aircraft.
- Size: Models in 1/48 scale are larger than those in smaller scales, meaning they are more visible and more impressive in presentation. This is particularly important if you want to create an eye-catching diorama or showcase the model as a standalone decoration.
- Appropriate Challenge: Models in 1/48 scale provide an appropriate level of challenge for many modelers. They are not as demanding as some models in larger scales but allow for advanced painting techniques and detailing.
- Abundance of Available Models: There are many different aircraft models available in 1/48 scale, including key historical designs, various versions, and paint schemes. This makes it a popular scale among aviation enthusiasts who want to build a diverse range of models.
- Conversion Opportunities: Due to their larger size and greater detail, models in 1/48 scale are more conducive to various types of conversions and modifications. Modelers can add extra elements, alter weapon configurations, or make other modifications.
- Easier Painting: In larger scales, painting can be somewhat easier because the elements are larger and more visible. This can be advantageous for modelers who are just beginning to work on painting techniques.
- Realism: Thanks to their larger size, models in 1/48 scale can better capture the proportions and appearance of the actual aircraft, resulting in greater realism and a more impressive final model.
- Educational and Historical Value: Building models in 1/48 scale can provide valuable historical education, allowing for an in-depth understanding of specific designs, paint schemes, and historical aviation events.
In summary, aircraft models in 1/48 scale are appealing to many modelers due to their detail, size, availability, and the opportunity to employ advanced modeling techniques. It is a scale that enables the construction of impressive and faithfully replicated aircraft models.
Find out more about the Scale 1:48 from articles on the armahobbynews.pl blog.
Hurricane IIc plastic kit 1/48 scale, new moulds.
40002 PZL P.11c Model Kit 1/48!
P.11c plastic kit 1/48 scale, economy set.
40005 Hurricane Mk IIc trop 1/48.
Tropical version of the Hurricane Mk IIc, model kit 1/48 scale from Arma Hobby.
Hurricane Mk IIb fighter-bomber 1/48 scale kit, new tool from Arma Hobby.
40009 Sea Hurricane Mk IIc 1/48.
Sea Hurricane Mk IIc aircraft model in 1/48 scale, Arma Hobby sprues.
40008 Hurricane Mk IIb trop 1/48.
Hurricane Mk IIb trop 1/48 scale kit, new tool from Arma Hobby.
Model of a classic American WWII fighter. Scale 1/48, new molds.
40012 Hurricane Mk IIb Reconnaissance 1/48.
Hurricane Mk IIb Reconnaissance aircraft model kit in 1/48 scale, Arma Hobby sprues.
Model of a classic American WWII fighter. Reconnaissance version. Scale 1/48.
H2K48001 P-40N Warhawk Aces of the 49th Fighter Group ex-Hasegawa!
Hasegawa kit re-boxed by Hobby 2000 including Cartograf decals and pMask masks.
H2K48002 P-40N Warhawk over CBI ex-Hasegawa!
Japanese Hasegawa kit reboxed by Hobby 2000 with Cartograf decals and pMask masks.
H2K48005 MiG-15 / LiM-1 ex-Bronco!
Bronco kit reboxed by Hobby 2000 with Cartograf decals and pMask masks.
H2K48006 MiG-15 / S-102 ex-Bronco!
Bronco kit reboxed by Hobby 2000 with Cartograf decals and pMask masks.
H2K48007 MiG-15 bis / S-103 ex-Bronco!
Bronco kit reboxed by Hobby 2000 with Cartograf decals and pMask masks.
H2K48008 MiG-15 bis / LiM-2 ex-Bronco!
Bronco kit reboxed by Hobby 2000 with Cartograf decals and pMask masks.
H2K48003 Junkers Ju-87 D-3 North Africa 1942-43 ( ex HASEGAWA )
Junkers Ju-87 D-3 North Africa 1942-43 HASEGAWA + Cartograf
H2K48004 Junkers Ju-87 D-3 Eastern Front 1943 ( ex HASEGAWA + Cartogra...
H2K48004 Junkers Ju-87 D-3 Eastern Front 1943 ( ex HASEGAWA + Cartograf )
H2K48009 Arado 234 B-2 First Jets ex-Hasegawa!
Hasegawa kit with Cartograf decals and pMask masks
H2K48010 Arado 234 B-2 End of War ex-Hasegawa!
Hasegawa plastic parts 1/48 Cartograf decals and pMask
H2K48011 Henschel Hs 129 B-2 Eastern Front ex-Hasegawa!
HS-129 plastic kit, parts Hasegawa, decals Cartograf, masks pMask.
H2K48012 Henschel Hs 129 B-2 North Africa!
HS-129 plastic kit, parts Hasegawa, decals Cartograf, masks pMask.
H2K48017 Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H-0 ex Dragon + Cartograf!
Dragon plastic parts in Hobby2000 boxing with Cartograf decals.
H2K48018 Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H-1 ex Dragon + Cartograf!
Plastic parts from Dragon with Cartograf decals in Hobby2000 boxing.
H2K48013 Hawker Hurricane Mk.IA.
Hasegawa 1/48 scale kit boxed by Hobby 2000 with Cartograf decals and masks
H2K48014 Hawker Hurricane Mk.IA Trop.
Hasegawa 1/48 scale kit boxed by Hobby 2000 with Cartograf decals and masks
H2K48015 Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIA.
Hasegawa 1/48 scale kit re-boxed by Hobby 2000 with Cartograf decals and masks
H2K48016 Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIA Trop.
Hasegawa 1/48 scale kit re-boxed by Hobby 2000 including Cartograf decals and masks
H2K48020 F-8E Crusader "MIG Killers".
Hasegawa kit boxed by Hobby2000 with Cartograf decals and masks
H2K48021 F-8E Crusader "Marines".
Hasegawa kit boxed by Hobby2000 with Cartograf decals and masks
Tamiya 25424 1/48 Kawasaki Ki-61-Id Hien (Tony) Silver Color Plated (w...
Ki-61 Hien plastic kit, Tamiya 1/48
Ił-2M3 plastic kit from Tamiya 1/48
Tamiya 61114 1/48 Grumman F-14A Tomcat.
Grumman F-14A Tomcat, plastic kit from Tamiya 1/48
Tamiya 61115 1/48 Ki-61-I d Hien.
Model do sklejania samolotu Ki-61-1-d Tamiya 1/48
Tamiya 61120 1/48 Lockheed P-38 F/G Lightning!
Lockheed P-38F/G Lightning plastic kit, Tamiya 1/48
Tamiya 61121 1/48 McDonnell Douglas F-4B Phantom II.
F-4B Phantom II plastic kit, Tamiya 1/48
Tamiya 61122 1/48 Grumman F-14A Tomcat (Late Model) Carrier Launch Set...
F-14A Tomcat kit with flightdeck section, Tamiya 1/48
Tamiya 61123 1/48 Lockheed P-38J Lightning
P-38 J Lightning kit, Tamiya 1/48
Tamiya 61101 1/48 F-16C [Block 25/32] Fighting Falcon® ANG.
F-16C plastic kit, Tamiya 1/48
Tamiya 61117 1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109G-6.
Bf-109 G-6 plastic kit, Tamiya 1/48
Tamiya 61098 1/48 F-16CJ Fighting Falcon.
F-16CJ plastic kit, Tamiya 1/48
Tamiya 61099 1/48 Fairey Swordfish Mk.II.
Swordfish II model kit, Tamiya 1/48
Tamiya 61103 1/48 A6M5/5a Zero (Zeke).
Late version of Zero fighter, Tamiya 1/48
Tamiya 61119 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I.
Spitfire Mk I. plastic kit, Tamiya 1/48
Tamiya 61118 Grumman F-14D Tomcat.
Grumman F-14D Tomcat, Tamiya kit 1/48 scale
Tamiya 61124 Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II.
Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II, Tamiya 1/48 scale plastic kit
H2K48022 MiG-29 German Air Force.
ACADEMY plastic parts, CARTOGRAF decals + MASKS
H2K48023 MiG-29 Polish Air Force.
ACADEMY model kit with CARTOGRAF decals and MASKS
H2K48024 MiG-29 Czech & Slovak Air Force.
ACADEMY kit with CARTOGRAF decals and MASKS reboxed by Hobby2000
H2K48025 MiG-29UB Polish Air Force.
ACADEMY kit reboxed with CARTOGRAF decals and MASKS.
H2K48026 MiG-29UB Czech & Slovak Air Force.
ACADEMY kit released with CARTOGRAF decals and MASKS.
Tamiya 61125 Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II 1/48.
Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II, new 1/48 model from Tamiya!
Tamiya 61126 Grumman FM-1 Wildcat/Martlet MK.V w skali 1/48.
Tamiya 61126 Grumman FM-1 Wildcat/Martlet MK.V 1/48. Enjoy new Tamiya model!
H2K48027 P-38J Lightning ETO 1944!
Aicraft model in Hobby2000 boxing with Cartograf decals and masks.
H2K48028 P-38L Lightning 80th Fighter Squadron!
Aicraft model in Hobby2000 boxing with Cartograf decals and masks.
H2K48029 A-10C Special Schemes!
Aicraft model in Hobby2000 boxing with Cartograf decals and masks.
H2K48030 A-10C Operation Inherent Resolve
Aircraft model in Hobby2000 boxing with Cartograf decals and masks.
TCH41111 Ansaldo A1. Balilla 1/48 scale
3D model kit with accessories in 1/48 scale.
TCH41101 Friedrichshafen FF33E 1/48
Plastic kit 1/48 scale.
TCH41102 Freidrichshafen FF33E PL 1/48
Assembly plastic kit 1/48.
H2K48031 Douglas A-4B Skyhawk 1/48
Hasegawa model in Hobby2000 packaging with Cartograf decal and masks