Airacobra is one of the very important fighter designs from the Second World War. The plane had a unique layout with the front wheel and other interesting solutions. The aircraft played a huge role at the beginning of the War on the Pacific in the New Guinea and the Solomon Islands regions; then it was delegated to pilot training in the United States. The Cobra took part in the fighting in the Mediterranean, where she remained in the Allied forces until the end of the war. A huge number of aircraft were sent to the USSR under "Lend-Lease", where they were used on the front line until the war’s end. Arma Hobby's new kit provides parts neeeded to build any combat version from P-39D to P-39Q out of the box.
Airacobra aircraft model kits
Find out more about the models and history of Airacobra fighter from articles on the armahobbynews.pl blog
American aircraft markings used until 1943, 1/72 decals
US military aviation insignia used in1943, decals 1/72
US military aviation insignia used in1943, decals 1/72
US military aviation insignia used since 1943, used to mid 1950s, decals 1/72
US military aviation insignia used since 1943, decals 1/72
TCH72046 Clear Decal small sheets
Transparent decal for laser printing.
TCH48021 Soviet Red Stars WWII
Techmod decal with soviet stars.
TCH48020 Soviet Red Stars WWII
Techmod decal with soviet stars.